English IX - Chapter No.4 - Text Book Exercise

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Textual study:

1. Look up the meaning of the following words in your dictionary.

Serial No  WordsMeaning
1.SitePlace, location, area:
2.Appearedcome into view; seem
3.ImagineSuppose or assume
4.ExcitedVery enthusiastic and eager.
5.FertileProductive, (of soil or land) producing or capable of producing abundant vegetation or crops
6.JewelleryPersonal ornaments (necklaces, rings, or bracelets) that are typically made from jewels and precious metal.
7.PotteryArt of working with clay
8.WeaponsInstrument for use in attack or defense in combat (i.e. sword, gun, claws, etc.)
9.MetalA solid material with good electrical and thermal conductivity (e.g., iron, gold etc and alloys such as brass and steel).
10.OrganizeArrange, order, systematize; establish, set up; unite.
11.Earthquake        A sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction
12.Europeanrelating to  Europe or resident of Europe.


2.Use the following words in sentences of your own:

Serial No WordsMeaning
1.WonderfulMurree is a wonderful hill station in Pakistan.
2.Succeeded  He worked hard and succeeded into his aim.
3.CattleMy uncle has a big farm to look after his cattles.
4.DigThey  will dig a well into our village.
5.WorryI am worried about my final exams result.



Tick (✓) the right answer:
Q.1. Where is Moen- jo- daro situated?
1. It is to north of Karachi and on the left bank of the river Indus.
2. It is on the right bank of river Indus.(✓)
3. It is in ruins.

Q.2. Sir John Marshall:
1. brought pieces of old pots to the villagers.
2. looked at the pieces of old pots which were brought to him by some body.(✓)
3. was a villager living near Moen-jo-Daro.

Q.3. Supply the missing words or phrases:
1. Moen-jo-Daro is one of the oldest cities in the world.
2. We know from the ruins that& Moen-jo-Daro was a large rich city.
3.Most of these objects has pictures on them.
4. Sir John Marshall was interested in history, in very old buildings and in old things, like the pieces of old and bricks.


Q.1 Write in five sentences what you know from the ruins of Moen-jo-Daro?
  • Moen-jo-Daro is situated near Larkana. It reveals a great civilization of Mehran valley.
  • John Marshall discovered it in 1922. 
  • It was a well planned city, with houses made of large baked bricks, well planned drainage system and with straight roads.
  •  The people were traders and craftsmen. Country side was fertile. It is not known how this city was destroyed. 

Q.2. Describe your village or your street in five sentences. You may use the following words:
street, wide, narrow, clear, dirty, long, light(s), old, new, live, houses, small, most of, a lot of, entered in, buildings, shops.
  • Some of streets of my village near Faisalabad  are wide and some are very narrow. 
  • A few streets are long and clear but others are very dirty. 
  • There houses are huts like. Most of them are small and without light. 
  • A lot of dust enters in the old buildings and shops but new buildings are usually clean. 

 Study Of Structures

1.(a) Few, a few

1. Few ;people live there today but about 4,500 years ago it was a large, busy city.
2. You are sad because you have a few friends.
3. I have& a few biscuits here, if you would like them.
4. He has taken a few lessons in English, and we can write simple short sentences now.
Note: - Few is the opposite of many. It means not many, only a small number. It is negative in meaning and means almost none.
A few shows the presence of some rather than its absence. Very few can be used in place of few in the above examples.

(b) Not many

1. Not many boys have got this sum right.
Note: Not many is preferable to few in this sense.

(c) How Many

1.How many boys are there in the class?
2.How many people are there?


2. Nobody, Nothing, No

1.Nobody knew anything about it.
2.Nobody went to see him in the hospital.
3.No one lives in this house.
4.No one helped him.
5.Nothing was know about this city.
6. I can see nothing through the window.
7. There is nothing in the glass.
Note: Nobody denotes absence of persons or person. nothing in use for inanimate objects.  no can be used for both. All the three show absence and are negative.

3.A lot (of)

1. Sir John Marshall knew a lot about old things.
2. He knows a lot about birds.
3. There is a lot of water in this jug.
4. What a lot of mangoes are on the tree!
Note: A lots (of) means much


4. Made of

1. Each house was made of large, burnt bricks.
2. The table is made of wood.
3.The shirt is made of cotton.
Note: Made of is used when an article is made of some material.

5. (a) Very much

1.You can imagine how very much surprised and excited the people were. 2. He love his wife very much.

(b) Not very much

1. I am not very much fond of movies.
2. I don't like mangoes very much.

(c) Not at all

1. She does not speak English at all.

(d) Very well

1. She speaks English very well.
2. I can sing this song very well.

(e) Not very well

1. He did not remember the poem very well.
2. She sings but not very well.

6. Most of , Many of, The rest of, Some of

1. You can still see the great hall where most of the grain was stored.
2. Most of us are from villages around the school.
3. Many of the objects had picture on them.
4. Some of the villagers took the pieces of old pots to Sir Johm marshall.
5. Salim and Karim have done the exercises. They may sit down.The rest of the students will keep standing.
6. Perhaps you can answer some of my questions.

7. Into, Out of

1. Carts would come right into the city.
2. He fell into the well.
3. They pulled him  out of the water.
4. Come out of the classroom and play on the ground.


1. Frame five sentences using few with the following verbs:
Know, sing, write, take, go.

1.KnowI know few students from our school..
2.Sing  Bird sing songs in spring season.
3.WriteI write few letters to my friends
4.TakeThey  took  few apples from the garden.
5.GoDaily I go to school by bus.


1. Frame five sentences using  a few with the following nouns:
Serial NoWordsMeaning
1.PersonsA few persons now understand the problems of our city.
2.Peasants A few peasants work in the fields because of the machines.
3.ClerkA few clerks are able to work in the office with honesty.
4.WorkersA few workers are honest in the office
5.Doctors     A few doctors in Pakistan do not work with honesty.


3.Complete the following sentences choosing appropriate phrases from the given list:
most of, the rest of, some of, a few, a lot of, a little, a lot.

1.Most of the people in Pakistan are hard working.
2. Only some of the workers are dishonest.
3.A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
4. I have heard a lot of about you, but you do not know much about me.
5. Salim, Hamid Karim stayed with Raza in the hospital until the rest of us come back.
6. I have chosen a few books for the library.
7. There is a lot of talk civil defence these days.
8. Will you have a little piece of cake?

4. Frame five sentences from the table:

A few
ofthemin the 
The restpupils
play ground

Answer :

1. Many of them are in the garden.
2. Most of us are in the school.
3. A few of them are in the library.
4. The rest of the pupils are in the playground.
5. Some of us are in the classroom.


5. Cross out the wrong word:

  1. There is  / little / a little / much milk in the pot. Go and get some from bazar.
  2. Do not disturb me. I've / a lot of / little / few  work to do.
  3. The Parrot is making / a lot of / little / some /noise. I can not sleep.
  4.  We know / some a lot / few / about ancient Sindh.


Non Textual Exercises

1. Supply full stop, comma, question mark and sign of exclamation wherever necessary:

1. I bought some milk and a pair of socks from the store
Ans: I bought some milk and a pair of socks from the store.

2. Where do you purpose to go from
Ans: Where do you purpose to go from?

3. I get up in the morning take a bath have breakfast and go to school
Ans: I get up in the morning, take a bath, have breakfast and go to school.

4. Would you be kind enough to tell me where the road leads to school
Ans: Would you be kind enough to tell me, where the road leads to school?

5. My God what have I done
Ans: My God! what have I done.


Q.2. Re-arrange the sentences by putting phrases in the correct form:

1) We meet on Sunday afternoon , in the park , always.
   We always meet in the park , on Sunday afternoon.

2) In the office , I saw Jamil , about an hour ago.
    I saw Jamil , in the office , about an hour ago.

3) I get up early , on Sunday seldom.
    I seldom get up early , on Sunday.

4) The bell , boys stand up , when rings the teacher , and enters the class.
   When the bell rings , the teacher enters the class and boys stand up.

5) Has been arranged , to celebrate his passing the examination , the party by Salim's parents.
   The party has been arranged  by Salim's parrents to celebrate his passing the examination.


Q.3: Tick mark the word you think is correct , in the following:

(1) The opposite of few is  /more/ less /little/ many (✓).
(2) The opposite of ancient is /modern  (✓)/new/ old/ aged.
(3) The opposite of a lot is /little  (✓)/much /more /none..
(4) The opposite of city is/ town/ villiage (✓)/country/ capital.
(5) The opposite of wide is /small/ tiny /bold/ narrow (✓).