English IX - Chapter No.10 - Words / Meaning and Summary

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Quaid-E-Azam And His Vision For Pakistan

Words And Meaning

S.No Words Meaning
1. Dynamic  Active
2. Personality Figure 
3. MajorityGreater number 
4. Poetess Female poet 
5. To praise  Admire
6. Ambassador Representative of govt.in foreign countries 
7. Polarization Concentration
8. Culminate To bring to climax 
9. Unparalleled Having no example
10. Transform Change
11. Region Area
12. Victimize  Unfair treatment 
13. Plead Advocate
14. Community Group of people
15.To ceaseTo end 
16. Individual  Of one person 
17.  Impartiality  Neutral
18. Homage Appreciation 
19.Foot-step Mark of foot
20. Harmony Peaceful


Short note Or Summary on Quaid-E-Azam And His Vision For Pakistan

                 In the essay, "Quaid-e-Azam and his vision for Pakistan", the personality, struggle, thought and vision of the Quaid-e-Azam have been described. He was an openhearted man. He was away from narrow-mindedness. He believed in Hindu-Muslim unity and worked for it but the attitude of the narrow minded Hindu leaders of Congress compelled this broad minded leader to change his idea about the Hindu and ultimately he started struggle to achieve an independent state for the Muslim of India. He was true in his struggle that he succeeded to achieve Pakistan. His sincerity for Hindu-Muslim unity was highly appreciated and recognized even by the Hindu leaders like Gokhale and Sarojini Nidu.
             Qauid-e-Azam was a farsighted leader so he realized the plan of Hindu-Muslim polarization and made the Muslim aware of it.
            He disliked orthodoxy. he believed in freedom of religion. He didn't like to impose his religious thoughts on the others. He was strongly of the thought that every citizen is equal in the eyes of the law of the state. No discrimination should be there among the people on the basis of religion or caste or creed. He thought religion is a personal matter not a state matter.
           The Quaid-e-Azam's principle was justice and complete impartiality. He did not believe in dividing the people into groups or sections. He believed in the unity of people. He wanted the people to be  recognized and known only as the citizens of the state.
           He was desirous that every citizen should co-operate with the state so that the country could progress and develop and Pakistan could become one of the greatest nations of the world.
