English IX - Chapter No. 8 - Text Book Exercise

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The Role Of Women In Pakistan Movement


Textual Study:

1. Study the following words carefully and look up their meanings in your dictionary:
S.No.  WordsMeaning
1.OrganisedArranged systematically, ordered
3.ImprisonedTo put into prison
5.InterviewA meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation.
7.InformationFacts provided or learned about something or someone.
8.StruggleAttempt, Attain something in the face of difficulty 
9.ActiveParticipating in a particular activity in a positive way.

1. Use the following words  in your own sentences:

S.No   WordsSentence
1.OrganisedSocial programs are organized by the school.
2.AchievementThe discovery of DNA was a major scientific achievement.
3.ImprisonedHe was imprisoned three times for his activities.
4.ReleaseGrowth hormone is released into the blood during sleep.
5.InterviewShe was interviewed by a reporter from the Daily News.
6.AccomplishThe planes accomplished their mission.
7.InformationThey provided a vital piece of information.
8.StruggleMany families on income support have to struggle to make ends meet.
9.ActiveTigers are active mainly at night.



Q.1: Who was Bi Aman? Why is she remembered till today?
Ans:  Abadi Begum, popularly known as Bi Aman was an aged lady. She was the mother of Moulana Muhammad All and Moulana Shaukat Ali  who devoted their lives to the cause of the Muslims. She was a courageous women When her sons were arrested, brought to trial and imprisoned for two years,  Bi Aman sent a word to them not to give up their cause She also told them not to ask for pardon, which was the condition of their release. 'Bi Aman' had not been to school or college. She is remembered till today because she taught her sons to be willing to sacrifice their lives in the cause of Muslim independence.

Q.2: How did the Muslims women work  for Independence?
Ans:  The Muslim women  worked side by side with men in the independence movement They formed the women's branch of the All India Muslim League to organize women and give them awareness. They attended public meetings and took out processions.

Q.3: Why is Miss Fatima Jinnah called Madr-e-Mlllat? 
Ans: Miss Fatima Jinnah was the youngest sister of Quaid -e- Azam.  She looked after her brother so much.  She helped her brother in the struggle for the establishment of Pakistan. She devoted her life for the Pakistan movement.  Due to her devotion, services and sincerity the grateful nation thus calls her Madr-e-Millat which  means the mother of the nation.

Q.4: What is the meaning of Madr-i-Millat? 
Ans: Madr-e-Millat   means the mother of the nation 

Q.5: In Sindh, where did the first meeting of women take place? 
Ans: The first public meeting of women in Sindh was take place in Karachi's Zoological garden.



Q.1: Tell in five sentences what you know about Begum Ra'ana Liaquat Ali Khan?
1- Begum Ra'ana Liaquat Ali worked as an honorary secretary and typist to Liaquat Ali Khan (her husband).
2- At that time , when Muslim league could not afford the salary of secretary, she arranged parties.
3- In these parties, Muslim women could meet the wife and the daughter or the Viceroy, so as to explain to them their side of the matter and express their protest
4-She also Organised Women's voluntary Services.
5-Later the Women's National Guards, consisting of three battalions, 2400 girls, in which, she herself held the rank of Brigadier.

Q.2: Write in your own words a paragraph on women's role in the Independence Movement?
1- Though the Muslim women were in street “purdah” and were less and less politically aware, they played an active part in the independence movement.
2- They formed the women branch of the Muslim League to organize women and inform them about the politics of the country.
3- They organized public meetings for women and addressed large gathering.
4- They had opened classes in their honour to educate Muslims girls.
5- Thee brave ladies encouraged their brothers, husbands and sons not to give up the struggle for Pakistan until their goal was achieved.


Study of Structure

1. Has, Have
1- You have already learnt that Pakistan was established on 14th August, 1947.
2- She has not gone home as yet.
3- Has she gone home?
4- Has he finished his work?
5- We have finished our lessons?
6- Ahmed has bought a new bat.
7- Have a drink.
8- Have breakfast.

Note: Has/ Have here are not used as showing possession. This is another use of has and have besides what you have learnt already

2. On
1- Pakistan was established on 14th August, 1947,
2- Riaz left for Karachi on Monday morning.
3- Quaid-e-Azam was born on 25th December, 1876.
4- The train was on time.

Note: Here on is used to show time. There are other uses of on also.
One of them is showing place. For example: on the table, on the bed, on your head etc.
On is a preposition. A preposition is usually put before the word that it controls. It show relationship of different kind, usually position, direction, time and various mental condition.

3. Together
1- Together they formed a political party called the Indian National Congress.
2- In the beginning both Hindus and Muslims worked together to drive the British from India.
3- The Hindus and Muslims could not live together.
4- We sit together on the same bench.
5- We do our lessons together in the evening.
Note: Together is used when two or more persons take part in some action.

4. For
1- Their rule lasted for about 200 years
2- The two brother were arrested, tried in the court and imprisoned for two years.
3- He waited for me by the roadside.
4- They organised public meetings for women.
5- Have you brought this book for me.
Note: The first two examples show time, the third place and in the last two is used before a Noun or Pronoun.

5(a). Looked after
1- She looked after the health and comfort of her famous brother.
2- His uncle looked after him when his parents went to England.

(b) Look for
1- What are you looking for?
2- I have been looking for him in the whole school.

(c) Look into
1- Look into the matter carefully.
2- Look into your pocket.

(d) Look out
1- Look out of the window.
2- Look out, there is a car moving.

(e) Look at
1- Just look at him! How funny he looks!
2- Look at the camel! What a huge animal it is !

(f) Point at
1- Don't point at people. It is a bad habit.
2- Everyone is pointing fingers at him.

(g) Smile at
1- She smiled at what the child said.
2- The teacher was pleased with Aslam and smiled at him.<

6. Never
1- The Hindus would never give equal treatment to Muslims.
2- I will never believe what he says.
3- He will never talk to him.

7. Want, Need
1- She explained to the people of other countries why the Muslims in India wanted a separate state.
2- I want a pencil to underline a difficult words.
3- I need, your help, Will you help me?
4- I need Rs. 150 to pay my class fee.

Note: There is a very little difference between these two words. Need is stronger than want. it shows some necessity.

8. (a) There is

1- There is some milk in the jug.
2- There is my car.
3- There is a book for you on the table.
4- There is no one here.

(b) There are
1- There are many trees in the garden.

(c) There was
1- Then, there was Miss Fatima Jinnah.
2- There was nobody in the room.
3- There was no time to lose.

(d) There were
1- But there were a number of brave and selfless women.
2-There were many books in the shop.

(e) there will
1- There will be many mangoes in our garden this year.
2- There will be no room for any one else.

(f) Is there
1- Is there any milk in the jug?
2- Is there a book for you on the table?
3- Is there no one here?

(g) Are there
1- Are there many trees in the garden?
2- Are there many pencils on the desk?

(h) Was there

1- Was there no one to help you?
2- Was there nobody in the room?

(i) Was thereExample:1- Will there be many mangoes in the garden thius year?
2- Will there be room for anyone else?



1. Frame five sentences using together with the following verbs:
   Have , Are, Were, Go, Sit
1- They have been living together for eight years.
2- We are enjoying spending time together.
3- The old friends were together again after many long years apart.
4-  Both friends have decided to go to the party together.
5-  We sit together in silence for a long time, just looking at one another.

2. Frame five sentences using on with the following adverbs or adverbial phrases:
   Friday, Morning, Horseback, 14th August, 10th January, The trees
1- She left for Lahore on Friday night.
2-  On the morning of September, 3rd our result was announced.
3- Daniel and his father would ride there on horseback.
4-  Pakistan was came into being on 14th August, 1947.
5-  He was born on 10th January, 2007.
6- There was not a breath of wind to stir the young leaves on the trees.

3. Fill in the blanks in the sentences with below choosing suitable word forms:
  Looked After, Look for, look into, Look out of.
1- When his parents left for Europe, he was looked after by his grandmother.
2-  Look into your pocket carefully.
3- Don't look out of the car-window.
4- The parents looked for the missing child everywhere.

4. Fill the blanks with suitable words:
1- He stayed with me for two days.
2- I have been waiting here for the last two hours.
3- I went to Karachi for one week.
4- My father bought a cycle for me.
5- This book is not for you.

5. From the given list of words, find out the words opposite in meaning.
  imprisoned, released, aged, uneducated, protest, majority, difficult, educated, minority, agree, young, easy.

S.No   WordsOpposites