Short Essay on Corruption for Students

Our warfare is not against flesh and blood
But against principalities and powers and wickedness in the high place

When we spoil the purity of anything we corrupt it, and we do so because we are wicked in this sense. We begin to destroy our honesty or integrity when we benefit others or ourselves illegally and immorally. When a person is in high position or place and he takes bribes or benefits to favour someone or does any kind of injustice, he is corrupt in the most common way.

Corruption cannot be justified in any circumstances. If a person cannot easily make both ends meet (cannot get enough money for his needs), he should work more or work elsewhere or the people of his family should work so that he may not have to be dishonest in his dealings to earn more. We have to find honest means (ways) of adding to our incomes.

The government and public organizations like the Edhi Trust and the Burney Foundation can formulate and popularize work programmes for different categories of families so that their incomes increase in honest ways.

How can corruption be brought to an end?

First of all, there should be as much equality as possible in the country. The division of the society into the classes of extremely poor and extremely rich people and the middle class without enough facilities and chances to progress should go. As suggested elsewhere, the feudal (jagirdari) structure in the villages and the oppressive capitalistic structure in the cities should be replaced by a fair, just one.

Secondly, education should be within the reach of all manner of people. When the people get universally educated, they will be able to work more efficiently and their earnings will rise. They will be generally satisfied and the causes of corruption will be mostly eliminated (excluded).

Thirdly, the leaders and politicians should be men of integrity. Their devoted leadership and honest dealings will set a pattern of life and work for the nation.

Fourthly, a religious and moral atmosphere in society will create a sense of honest living among the people. Our religious scholars, teachers, newspapers, radio and TV can play an important role in this connection.

Fifthly, heavy punishments for corrupt people should keep them from indulging in corruption. Corrupt government servants and anyone accepting bribes in any form should be punished after a proper trial in a court of law.

It is very difficult, though not impossible, to solve the difficult social problem of corruption. It is we who will overcome corruption before we allow it to drown us in its poison to kill us as a nation.

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