Poem 20 (In Broken Images) 11th Class English Notes

Poem 20: In Broken Images

This chapter is from the 11th class English book 3 and it has been written by Robert Graves. we have presented the important questions and main idea of this chapter for the intermediate (first year) fsc fa ics i.com first year students.


The poet Compares two types of persons. Some people take everything for granted. They jump at the conclusion. They think that whatever they believe is true. These people soon fall in a trap of their wishful thinking. On the other hand there are people who always doubt there own reasoning. They ultimately come to the right Conclusion. These lines have been taken from the poem “In Broken Images” written by Robert Graves. These are the opening lines of the poem. The poet exposes the shallow thinking of a person who is too certain about his own ideas. The people who always doubt their own reasoning, ultimately reach the right.

Questions Answers

What is the significance of assuming the relevance of one’s images?

A superficial thinker simply assumes that his ideas must be relevant to a given situation. Time comes when these assumptions prove wrong. This upsets him a lot.

What is the significance of questioning the relevance of one’s images?

A Critical thinker keeps on questioning the relevance of his assumptions all the time. Such a person is never upset if his assumptions are proved Wrong.

What happens when the two persons end their enquiry?

A superficial thinker is much confident when he begins his enquiry, but he is confused at the end. The critical thinker, on the other hand, is a bit tentative when he begins his enquiry but he is confident when he completes it.

What is the state of condition of two persons, one who trusts clear images and the other who mistrusts the broken images?

One who trusts clear images makes hasty and illogical decisions. Such people do not adapt themselves according to the situation. Those who mistrust their broken images think slowly but surely. They reach logical and Sound decisions.

Why does a person question his senses when the facts fail him?

A person who trusts his clear images believes that he is always right. That is why when comes up with a wrong decision, he blames his senses for that.

Who is in a new confusion of his understanding?

One who believes in clear images eventually gets confused. Such a fellow is in a new confusion of his understanding. What is the moral lesson of the poem? The moral lesson of the poem is that we should adopt a rational approach in life.

Compare and contrast critical thinkers with superficial thinkers?

The poem “In Broken images” is written by Robert Graves. It is a philosophical poem. The poet puts faith in the spirit of inquiry. A person who is always certain about whatever he says does not make much use of his intelligence. Thus he becomes dull and incapable of thinking new things. Such a person takes things for granted. He goes against the facts and thus fails. The irony is that he starts with immense confidence, but ends in sheer confusion. On the other hand, there is a person who is less sure about things to start with. He knows that he knows little. He is willing to test his own assumptions. if these assumptions are proved wrong, he sets them aside and comes up with new assumptions. Slowly but surely he gains authentic information and sound knowledge. This gives him wisdom and a blend of confidence and humility. After knowing each new thing, he is uick to realise that he is now a bit less ignorant than before.

Which two types of thinkers are presented in the poem “In Broken Images”?

In this poem the poet presents the critical thinkers and the superficial thinkers. The poet describes their traits in detail.

What is the significance of thinking in clear images?

The superficial thinkers who think in clear images perceive life as black and white. Thus they take a selective way of life.

What is the significance of thinking in broken images?

The critical thinkers who think in broken images see life in its complexity. They take a comprehensive view of life.

Why are superficial thinkers quick in their thinking?

The Superficial thinkers are quick in their thinking because they do not wait for the outcome of their inquiry. They want to rush at the conclusions.

Why do critical thinkers adopt a slow enquiry process?

The critical thinkers analyse each step of their enquiry carefully. Therefore, they seem to be slow in their thinking.

What makes a superficial thinker dull?

A superficial thinker is too much confident about his own judgments. Thereby, he does not need to think any more. This makes him dull-minded.

What makes a critical thinker sharp?

A Critical thinker keeps on exploring new facts. He never stops thinking. This makes him sharp-minded.

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