F.Sc (1st Year) Physics Solved Pdf Notes

The students of F.Sc first year (class xi) pre engineering & medical both read the physics book in their 2-year duration which has been published by punjab textbook board lahore. This book is used in all other boards of punjab (i.e. bise Lahore, Multan, Sargodha, Bahawalpur, Sahiwal, Gujranwala, Faisalabad, Rawalpindi, DG Khan, Federal boards etc). Physics is an important subject for hssc-i or inter f.sc ics (part 1) students. The students of medical and non-medical both read the book of chemistry as their course. Moreover, it has eleven chapters. you can download the Solution (Notes) in pdf form to your mobile and also read online on our website. We have tried our best to reduce the error facts while editing and preparing these easy notes for you if you find any damage link, kindly inform us by commenting below the notes.

Physics F.Sc Part 1st (Helping Notes)

Chapter No. 1 : Measurements

In this chapter we will read what are supplementary units define them, what are derived units give some examples, what do you under stand by scientific notation explain the use of the prefix, describe main points for indicating units, explain the phenomena of error and uncertainty, describe the significant figures and degree of accuracy also, give examples, explain the terms, precision, and accuracy give also examples, how will you assess the total uncertainty in the final result explain it fully in different cases, what do you understand from the dimensions of physical quantities explain with examples, describe the history of physics, describe main branches of physics, define all the different types of physical quantities and their units, write answers with correct scientific notation, write units of physical quantities according to international conventions.

Notes for Chapter no. 1 (Pdf Online / Download)

Chapter No. 2 : Vectors and Equilibrium

In this chapter we will read the describe how a vector quantity is represented, what do you understand by the following terms ie unit vector, position vector, vector subtraction, null vector, multiplication of vector, negative of a vector, what do you mean by resultant vector, explain the addition of vectors by graphical method, state and explain head to tail rule, what is resolution of vectors, what are the rectangular components, how a vector can be expressed in terms of its rectangular components, how will you find the resultant vector if the rectangular components are given, describe the method of addition of vector by rectangular components, define and explain scalar product of two vectors give its two examples, show that the scalar product is commutative, prove that ab=ba, describe the important characteristics of scalar or dot product.

Notes for Chapter no. 2 (Pdf Online / Download)

Chapter No. 3 : Motion and Force

In this chapter we will study the explains the terms: displacement, average velocity, instantanous velocity, what is a averge acceleration and instantanous acceleration when is the acceleration uniform, how will you find out the acceleration from velocity timegraph, state and explain newton’s first law of motion why this law is calledfirst law of motion, state and explain newton’s second law of motion show that f = ma, state and explain newton’s third law of motion give its examples, what is linear momentum define its unit, define impulse and show that it is change in momentum, how force and linear momentum are related statenewton’s second law of motion in terms of momentum, state and prove the law of conservation of linear momentum, what re elastic and inelastic collisions.

Notes for Chapter no. 3 (Pdf Online / Download)

Chapter No. 4 : Work and Energy

In this chapter we will explain the term work describe the special case when the work done is positive, negative and zero, give the dimensions and units of work, explain and how can you calculate the work done by a variable force, prove that the work done in a gravitational field is independent of the path followed by the body, show that the total work done in moving a body along a closed path in a gravitational field is zero define conservation field, define power and give the values of average power and instantaneous power and also give the units of power, prove the relation p=fv, define energy what do you mean by ke drrive the formula for the kinetic energy of a body of mass m moving with velocity v give its dimensions, derive work-energy relation or principle, define potential energy and derive a relation for it.

Notes for Chapter no. 4 (Pdf Online / Download)

Chapter No. 5 : Circular Motion

In this chapter will study the explain circular motion, angular displacement give units, define radian, derive relation between a radian and degree, what are average and instantaneous angular acceleration, define average angular acceleration and instantanous angular acceleration, derive the relation between linear acceleration and angular acceleration, what is meant by centripetal force and centripetal acceleration, derive expressions for centripetal force, acceleration, what is the difference between centripetal and centripetal forces, what is radian show one radian=180/pi, what is moment of inertia find an expression for inertia of mass m rotation about the point o (axis of rotation), find the expression for moment of inertia of rigid body, explain angular momentum derive a relation between angular momentum and moment of inertia, also describe the difference between spin angular momentum and orbital angular momentum, state the law of conservation of angular momentum and illustrate it with an example also describe its applications.

Notes for Chapter no. 5 (Pdf Online / Download)

Chapter No. 6 : Fluid Dynamics

In this chapter we will study explain what do you understand by viscosity or fluid or fluid friction, what is fluid friction find the value of the terminal velocity of a fog droplet of radius r moving through air of viscosity and having a mass m also show that v varies directly as square of radius, what do you understand by drag force state clearly the stoke’s law, what is the difference between the streamline (or laminar flow) and turbulent flow, state and explain equation of continuity, state and prove the bernoulli’s equations (theorem), explain the flow of blood inside the human arties how the blood pressure is measured, what is relation between speed and pressure of fluid explain with examples, describe torricelli’s equation.

Notes for Chapter no. 6 (Pdf Online / Download)

Chapter No. 7 : Oscillations

In this chapter we will study the what is elastic restoring force describe in detail the vibratory motion of a body under elastic restoring force, derive an expression for the acceleration of a body vibrating under elastic restoring define shm, discuss simple harmonic motion on the basis of uniform circular motion, draw the wave form of shm by plotting a graph between time and displacement trace it experimentally, discuss motion of projection of point p (or body) moving along a circular path with constant speed show that is shm derive the following relations (a) instantaneous displacement (b) instantaneous velocity (c) acceleration in terms of w, what do you understand phase angle (or phase) find an expression for the displacement as a function of phase angle, discuss the motion of a mass attached with one end of the spring and moving over a horizontal surface show that this motion is shm derive expression for its time period, instantaneous displacement, instantaneous velocity and maximum velocity, what is simple pendulum show that its motion is shm derive an expression for its time period also find its frequency.

Notes for Chapter no. 7 (Pdf Online / Download)

Chapter No. 8 : Waves

In this chapter we will study the define progressive or traveling wave, how longitudinal and transverse waves are produced explain them with examples, what are periodic waves discuss the production of transverse periodic waves and longitudinal waves, define the following: (a) periodic motion (b) vibration (c) period time (d) crest (e) trough (f) frequency (g) wavelength (i) amplitude (h) displacement, describe newton’s formula for the speed of sound and explain how it was corrected by laplace, what is effect of temperature, pressure and density on the speed of sound, state and explain the principle of superposition, state and explain the phenomenon of interference of sound waves, what are beats how are they produced show that the number of beats is equal to the difference between frequencies of the tuning forks, draw displacement cure of the two forks and resultant waveform what are the used of beats.

Notes for Chapter no. 8 (Pdf Online / Download)

Chapter No. 9 : Physical Optics

In this chapter we will study the define wave front, spherical wavefront, plane wave front and a ray, state and explain huygens principle/, what is interference of light write down the conditions of interference, describe young’s double slit experiment for a demonstration of interference of light derive an expression for fringe spacing or width, explain the phenomenon of interference in thin films, what are newton rings describe the experimental arrangement of producing newton rings why does central spot of newton rings look dark, describe principle and working of michelson’s interferometer how can you find the wavelength of light used, explain the phenomenon of diffraction of light how does diffraction differ from interference, describe the diffraction due to light passing through a narrow slit also, show how this diffraction pattern is formed, what is the diffraction of light describe a diffraction grating and obtain the grating equation to find the wavelength of light used, describe the diffraction of x-rays by crystals and obtain bragg’s equation or law, explain the phenomenon of polarization of light give some applications of polarization.

Notes for Chapter no. 9 (Pdf Online / Download)

Chapter No. 10 : Optical Instruments

In this chapter we will study the define and explain least distinct of vision, define and explain the meaning of (i) linear magnification (ii) magnifying power (iii) resolving power, what is a simple microscope derive an expression for the magnifying power or angular magnification of a simple microscope, describe the construction of a compound microscope derive an expression for its magnifying power, what is telescope describe the construction for magnifying power, what is difference between telescope and microscope, describe the construction working and use of a spectometer, describe michelson’s experiment for determining the speed of light, write a note on fibre optics, what are the basic principles of optical fibre explain them, describe the working of optical fiber-communication system.

Notes for Chapter no. 10 (Pdf Online / Download)

Chapter No. 11 : Heat and Thermodynamics

In this chapter we will study thedescribe the fundamental postulates (or assumptions) of the kinetic theory of gases, what is the pressure of gas find the pressure of gas molecules on the walls of the container, prove that pressure exerted by the gas is directly proportional to the average translational ke of the gas molecules, derive an equation which show that the absolute temperature is directly proportional to the average translational kinetic energy of the molecules, derive gas laws on the basis of kinetic theory of gases (boyle’s law and charle’s law), define and explain the term internal energy, show that internal energy is a function of state and is independent of paths, describe transfer of energy into work and heat, calculate the work done by a thermodynamic system during a volume change, what is thermodynamics, state and explain the first law of thermodynamics, discuss the following processes and draw p-v diagram in each case (i) isothermal process (ii) adiabatic process, define molar specific heats of gas.

Notes for Chapter no. 11 (Pdf Online / Download)

Check also : 11th Class F.Sc Notes for All Subjects & Boards

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