Essay on Good and Bad Manners

The manners and habits of a person tell a lot about his personality. We often form (shape) our opinion of a person after meeting him and observing his manners.

People like a person having good and pleasing manners. They like his behavior. Such a person talks, behaves and meets others in a sweet way. Firstly, he greets other people who are older than he or are known to him. He shows proper respect to his elders.

A well-mannered person tries his best not to injure the feelings of others. He never makes a show of his ability or learning or wealth to make others feel lowly. He does not mind the faults of others. He knows that all human beings make mistakes and have their weaknesses. So if a person displeases or troubles him, he does not get angry.

Good manners like the ones described above make real friendship and love possible. Friendship and love between two or more people will continue long if they are well behaved. Good manners make co-operation possible. If the people at a place behave well and are helpful to each other, they can co-operate in all possible ways.

People do not like a person with bad manners. They dislike his behaviour, his way of talking or meeting others. Such a person displeases others with his manners and habits. He does not properly. entertain them. At his place of work, he does not receive visitors in a pleasant way. He does not listen well to them and does not satisfy them with his replies.

An ill-mannered person is often proud in his behavior. He makes a show of the things that he possesses or of his knowledge. He does not have the patience for (ability to control his anger at) the faults of others and gets angry very soon.

Bad-mannered people cannot continue to be friends for long. They mind each other’s faults and begin diÅ¡liking each other sooner or later. They do not like to help others in difficulty, as they are selfish.

It is to our benefit to have pleasant manners. Others will like us and our company the more for our attractive manners. We should try to give up (get rid of) repelling manners and ways.

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