Essay on Compulsory Military Training

Pakistan is a free country. Freedom came after a long struggle. For a long time, Pakistan was a British colony. The Britishers exploited the country for a long time. We treasure freedom and want peace. For this purpose Pakistan has, It is said that if you want peace, prepare for war to remain strong and alert Pakistan cannot neglect the defense of the country. We want friendship and peace with other countries. But it never means weakness.

Pakistan is a vast country. It has international borders. To secure these borders we also need a second line of defense. Our neighbor India is not There have been wars. They have unholy designs reliable with India. Their attitude towards Pakistan has been hostile. India has created terrorism in the country. In such a situation, Pakistan has to be very terrorism strong, united and alert. There is danger across our borders.

Defense preparedness is a must for Pakistan. We have to protect our freedom and territory. These cannot be achieved without military might. We should always be ready for another possible war. In these situations, compulsory military training becomes important. It will turn our citizens into soldiers. Our men and women will be trained to use weapons and fight the enemy. It will make all of us soldiers first to defend our hard-won freedom. It will make people more disciplined and dutiful. It will be an insurance against foreign attack. It also means more sense of duty, responsibility service, and physical fitness.

By giving compulsory training, we shall strengthen our armed forces. It will boost regular their morale. It will raise our military strength enormously. Military training can be put to use to many civilian purposes. In peacetime, we can use the services of so trained citizens. We can very effectively use the military trained people in case of floods, droughts, and earthquakes. They can very effectively manage traffic, take part in literacy drive or afforestation. Such training prepares us for hard work, sacrifice, and service of the nation. Many great qualities of head and heart can be obtained through military training.

As civilians, we often suffer from lethargy, weakness, and lack of hard work. Compulsory military training will remove these defects. It will turn us into far better persons and citizens. It will further deepen our sense of patriotism and duty to the nation.

The scheme involves huge expenses. But the advantages it offers are many. Pakistan is a developing country but it cannot neglect its security. Interests of the nation are above everything else. It will also help more production in fields, factories and mills.

It will reduce corruption and favoritism. A soldier is a very disciplined person. For him, his country is everything. There is NCC in colleges. It is a good step towards compulsory military training to our young men and women. But military training should be made compulsory for all able-bodied men and women. This will help us to have a very strong and reliable second line of defense.

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