Mathematical Methods (B.Sc.)
Chapter:08 (Infinite Series)
In this chapter, we will study the following topics:
- finite sequence
- infinite sequence
- terms of sequence
- divergent sequence
- properties of sequence
- bounded sequence
- a divergent test
- monotonic sequence
- non-decreasing sequence
- non-increasing sequence
- strictly increasing sequence
- strictly decreasing sequence
- monone sequence
- a bounded monotonic sequence is convergent
- nth term of series
- geometric series
- cauchy criterion
- harmonic series
- positive term series
- the basic comparison test
- the divergence test
- the limit comparison test
- the integral test
- cauchy integral’s test theorem
- the ratio test
- cauchy root test
- alternating series
- absolute and conditional convergence
- the root test for absolute convergence
- power series
- convergence of power series
- interval of convergence
- radius of convergence
- differential and integration of power series
- power series representations
- Gregory’s series
- addition an multiplication of power series
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