Three Friends and a Bag of Ornaments

Once upon a time, three travelers met on a road. They discovered that they had to go in the same direction. So, they decided to travel together. They walked on. sharing their experiences with one another and in a short while, they became good friends. They promised to help one another in the hour of need. On the way, they had to pass through a thick forest. They were tired after their long journey, and the cool shade of trees tempted them to take rest. So, they sat down. Suddenly, they saw something glittering in the sunlight at a distance. They hurried towards it and found that it was a big metal box full of precious ornaments. Naturally, they got very excited and decided to divide the ornaments among themselves equally. But each wished privately to have all the wealth by himself. After some time, they felt hungry and one of them offered to go to the nearby village and get food. In his absence, greed took the better of the two and they conspired to kill the third and get all the wealth. Therefore, as soon as the third friend returned, they fell upon him and put him to death instantly. They had finished the food when they fell on the ground and died. The reason being, wishing to become the sole owner of the wealth, the third friend had added some poison into the food. Their dead bodies teach us a great lesson that greed is a curse and also one of the biggest vices in the world.


  • Greed is a Curse

  • As you sow, so shall you reap

  • He who digs a pit for others himself falls into it

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