Short Paragraph on My Hobby

A pleasant activity which we do to spend our leisure is called hobby.

“A hobby is an alternative mental interest”

We are busy in our hectic daily routine. Everybody has to work from dawn to dusk. So we need a diversion from our day’s tiresome job. In this regard, pleasant activities give us joy and peace of mind. They protect us from idleness and boredom.

Let the mind some relaxation take to come back to its task with the fresher head.

There are different kinds of hobbies such as gardening, pen-friendship, coin collecting, stamp collecting, photography, music etc. Different people adopt different hobbies according to their taste, income and social setup.
My hobby is different from others. I love gardening. It is said:

God Himself first planted a garden and it is the purest of human pleasure.

Fortunately, I live in a house which has an open area in front of it. I have changed it into a beautiful lawn. It is surrounded by fruit plants. There are also different kinds of plants and trees in it. I have bought them from the nursery. It costs a lot but I can afford it.

I have learned to seek my happiness by limiting my desires rather than in attempting to satisfy them.

There are also flower beds around the lawn. Each bed contains different kinds of flower trees. The lawn is surrounded by hedges. There are four cypress trees one in each corner. All kinds of flower plants have been planted in this garden. There are roses, lilies and jasmines. They present a colorful show to the viewers. They blossom and spread their fragrance all around. Keats has rightly said about trees.

Oh! Happy, happy, boughs
That cannot shed your leaves
Not ever bid the spring adieu

One corner of my garden is reserved for growing vegetables. Thus my hobby is also useful for my family because they get fresh and free vegetable as well as fruit in every season. My house has become my paradize.
I daily devote some of my time for the maintenance of my garden. I dig the beds of flowers, trim the grass and apply manure to plants. After my college time, I sit in my garden and study in the shade of trees. It is a source of peace and joy for me.

Sweet is the pleasure after pain!

My hobby offers a very beautiful sight. The dancing flowers, the green grass with dew drops on it and the moving leaves of trees have a healthy influence on my mind. This beautiful and charming sight of flowers and trees fills my heart with pleasure because they are the fruit of my labour.

My hobby has taught me a great deal about plants. I have first-rate knowledge of many varieties of plants and flowers. This garden has unfolded to me many mysteries of nature. The garden has become the book of nature for me. Gardening gives me a lot of exercises too. It keeps me healthy active and energetic. It saves me from wasting my time in useless activities. It is a great joy for me and makes me happy.

My garden has increased the beauty of my house. All the friends and relatives who visit our house admire the beauty of my garden. They praise my hobby. It is indeed a rewarding experience to see the fruits of labour blooming before your eyes. As Bacon says

Garden is the purest of human pleasures.

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