B.Sc Chemistry Organic/Inorganic Guess Papers 2023


Inorganic chemistry

  • Classification of elements based upon Electronic Configuration.
  • Ionization Energy.
  • Electrode potential & Electrochemical series & its applications.
  • Valence shell Electron pair Repulsion (VSEPR) Theory. Atomic orbital Hybridization.
  • Magnetic behaviour of O2 molecule on the basis of Molecular orbital theory (MOT).
  • Lewis concept of Acids & bases. Soft & hard acid base (SHAB) concept and its applications.
  • Buffer solutions. Common Ion Effect.
  • What are the Boranes.
  • How they are prepared, also write its uses.
  • Allotropy, structure & properties of Allotropic forms of carbon.
  • Silicones properties & uses.
  • Preparation of urea & superphosphate Fertilizers.
  • Thionic acids & use of Hypo in Photography.
  • Manufacture of HOSO4.
  • Anomalous behaviour of Flourine.
  • Interhalogen compounds.
  • Oxyacids of chlorine.
  • Preparation & properties of XeF2, XeF4, XeFg.
  • Uses of Noble Gases.
  • Give names of the following coordination compounds or write formulas of the following complexes.
  • Chelates & its applications.
  • Isomerism of coordination compounds.
  • Differentiate between Nuclear Fission & Nuclear Fusion reactions.
  • Group Displacement Law.
  • Application of Radio Isotopes.
  • Write a note on Inorganic polymers, Liquid crystals Semiconductors.


Organic chemistry

  • Write down the structural formulas of the following.
  • Write the IUPAC names of the following compounds.
  • Synthesis of Naphthalene by Hawords method
  • Synthesis of phenol by oxidation of cumene.
  • Define & explain optical isomerism giving basic condition for optical activity with examples?
  • Discuss rules of the resonance.
  • Differentiate between SN1 SN2 mechanism with examples.
  • Explain Huckle rule of Aromaticity?
  • How Grignard Reagent is prepared? Give its reactions.
  • Write a note on Paper chromatography & Thin layer chromatography?
  • Write following reactions with the mechanism. (i) Aldol condensation (ii) Pinacol-Pinacolon rearrangement. (iii) Reimer Tiemann reaction (iv) Cannizaro’s reaction (v) Benzoin condensation
  • Write notes on any two of the following. (i) Nucleic acid (ii) Protein (iii) Acetoacetic ester synthesis
  • How can you distinguish between primary, secondary & Tertiary alcohols?
  • Explain methods for the preparation of pyridine?
  • What is Diazotization reaction?
  • How will you prepare benzenediazonium chloride in laboratory? Give its important synthetic reactions.  (i) Synthesis of Naphthalene by Hawords method (ii) Synthesis of phenol by oxidation of cumene.
  • Define & explain optical isomerism giving basic condition for optical activity with examples?
  • Discuss rules of the resonance.
  • Differentiate between SN1 & SN2 mechanism with examples.
  • Explain Huckle rule of Aromaticity?
  • How Grignard Reagent is prepared? Give its reactions.
  • Write a note on Paper chromatography & Thin layer chromatography?
  • Write following reactions with a mechanism. (i) Aldol condensation (ii) Pinacol-Pinacolon rearrangement. (iii) Reimer Tiemann reaction (iv) Cannizaro’s reaction (v) Benzoin condensation
  • Write notes on any two of the following: .. (i) Nucleic acid  (ii) Protein (iii) Acetoacetic ester synthesis
  • How can you distinguish between primary, secondary & Tertiary alcohols?
  • Explain methods for the preparation of pyridine?
  • What is Diazotization reaction? How will you prepare benzene diazonium chloride in the laboratory? Give its important synthetic reactions.

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