Illiteracy in Pakistan English Essay - Causes, Impacts and Solutions

Read this great and lengthy note on illiteracy in Pakistan and understand its causes, impacts and find its solutions.

Illiteracy has been defined as reading a paragraph of a language with understanding according to the census of Pakistan 1981. The literacy rate is about 45% and the rest of the people 55% are illiterate according to 1998 census of Pakistan. Those people who are well-informed in modes of life are called educated. But illiterate are those who cannot read a paragraph in any language with - understanding. The difference between literacy and education is clear; In common understanding the educated people are those who have received formal education in educational institutions.
Illiteracy in Pakistan English Essay - Causes, Impacts and Solutions

But actually the educated people are those who understand the modes of life. Illiteracy covers the maximum number of population in which the higher age group people fall. They have crossed the age of 40 and more. There are the people mostly living in rural areas and have their rural profession related to agriculture. With the advancement of mechanized farming the labor force in rural areas became unemployed and some people are shifting to urban areas for job. Again these people are unemployed in urban areas facing problems of residence and employment. Moreover, those who are literate are unable to get employment due to shortage of jobs.

Illiteracy is the problem when the people are unable to under stand new policies in agriculture which give poor yield per acre. Illiterate people are mostly familiar with old methods of cultivation and feel hesitation in adopting the new ones.

Illiteracy is a problem because the national target could hot be attained by which self-sufficiency in food could not be achieved. Illiteracy is a social problem because maximum number of people are in this condition and they are unable to understand the new techniques of social life. They remain behind in raising their standard of living. They are mostly, poor.