EST English Teachers Senior Cadre vs Junior Cadre Supreme Court of Pakistan

A new court decision of Incomparable Court of Pakistan decision has issued as per its choice regarding EST English Teachers Senior Cadre vs Junior Cadre.
EST English Teachers Senior Cadre vs Junior Cadre Supreme Court of Pakistan

That is the Order of Mr. Justice GULZAR AHMAD, J for the survey solicitors expresses Learned ASC that the candidates in their own unit are senior most representatives and on such perception, the issue might be discarded. Regardless of whether the solicitors are senior most workers in their framework or not, the equivalent is the self-evident reality and law and the request under survey does not obviously influence any of the privileges of the candidates and in the event that they have any complaint, they can simply test the equivalent by profiting cure as per law. The survey request of is, along these lines expelled.
In perspective of the expulsion of the survey appeal, the application for actualizing has progressed toward becoming infructuous, which is rejected accordingly –
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EST English Teachers
EST English Teachers Senior Cadre vs Junior Cadre Supreme Court of Pakistan