271. Archipelago is called cluster of?
A. Flowers
B. Islands
C. Stars
D. Trees
272. Foundation of India National Congress by A.O hume in.?
A. 1877
B. 1885
C. 1878
D. None of Them
273. Name the German scientist who invented the atom bomb.?
A. Hahn Otto
B. John Waker
C. John Gutenbger
D. None of Them
274. Headquarter of UNESCO is located in.?
A. Paris
B. Berne
C. Geneva
D. London
275. Athing (oldest parliament of word) is parliament of.?
A. Denmark
B. Iceland
276. Study of earthquakes is called as?
A. Ecology
B. Seismology
C. Oncology
D. None of these
277. Name of the firs cloned sheep?
A. Dolly
B. Micky
B. Micky
C. Mameen
D. Jakor
278. Lack of ____ Causes diabetes?
A. Sugar
B. Insulin
C. Calcium
D. Vitamins
279. “Babylon” is the famous city of?
A. Iraq
B. Jordan
C. Kuwait
D. None of Them
280. Euro currency was launched in?
A. Jan 1997
B. Mar 2000
C. Feb 1998