A Visit to a Book Fair Short English College Essays

Knowledge is power and books are a great source of knowledge. They also provide healthy recreation and entertainment. In spite of increasing popularity of TV, there is a big percentage of people who love books and reading. But still in Pakistan, the habit of reading books is quite low in comparison to other countries. Book fairs and libraries help a lot in encouraging book-reading. In Pakistan book fairs are held regularly from time to time.

Book fairs are a big draw. Book-lovers, readers, booksellers, publishers, and buyers collect there in large number. During book fair, books on all subjects are on display. There are attractive discount US can browse the beautifully decorated book stalls and buy books of one's choice.

There are seminars, discussions, films shows and interviews of authors. The problems related to book-publishing, pricing, promotion of reading habits. etc are discussed and decisions are taken. It is a fine occ. on to exchange views on books and reading. Book fairs give a golden opportunity to students, intellectuals, authors, and publishers to collect at one place and have a meaningful interaction.

I happened to visit the last World Book Fair held at Alhamra Arts Council, Lahore. I accompanied my father. Publishers and booksellers from all over the world. had come in the fair. There were books and books, neatly arranged in fascinating covers, titles and prints. The fair was inaugurated Minister.

We visited many stalls -- Pakistani and foreign. The foreign books were by the Education costly but better in quality. My father was interested in novels. He browsed through many well known new and old novels and fiction books. I turned the pages of children books. Finally, I decided to buy a desk dictionary and three other books. One was the storybook and the rest two collections of poems. My father bought Shakespeare's "Hamlet" and "Macbeth", published by Star Publishers, Urdu Bazar, Lahore and a couple of other books. The Chief Executive of Star Publishers gave us an attractive calendar and stickers of beautiful birds as farewell gifts. There was 20% discount as well.

There was a friend of my father. He is in book-trade and has very good business. He invited us a parting gift. It delighted into his stall and offered us hot coffee, biscuits and napkins. He and my father exchanged their views on different subjects including books. I was given 'Charles Dickens' 'David Copperfield' as a parting gift. It delighted me beyond words. Since then I have read the book a number of times. It is a very interesting story. The novel was a special edition prepared for young boys and girls. There were many fine illustrations.