PUBG Mobile Hidden places for best loot!Hidden Military Bunkers. Hello Friends, Sharing Some Tips and Tricks to Get PUBG Loot of Gun, 8x Scope, Health Locations and Vehicle Spawns. Use below Map Guide to get amazing loot of pubg games. PLACES WHERE YOU HAVE 98% CHANCES OF GETTING KAR98K & 8X SCOPE More PUBG MOBILE Guides are yet to come.... So please stay tuned!

PUBG Hidden Location to get Loot 8x Scope:

PUBG High Loot (RED): High Risk, High Reward locations:
- Red Location You will Get Level 3 Bag, helmet and much more
- You will Get 8X Scope and Power Full Guns
- But Hig Risk and High Reward Location
PUBG Medium Loot (Yellow): Medium Risk and Medium Rewards Location:
- You will Get Normal Loot Low Risk
- Minimum Chance to Get Level 3 Bag, Helmet and much more
- Normal Risk and Medium Reward Location
Low Loot (Blue): Minimum Loot Area Location Very Low Risk:
- Very Low Risk
- Many Time You will not Get Gun at this Location
- Low Risk and Low Reward Location
PUBG Airdrop Loot Details:
The latest boxes with clothes in PUBG, inviting box, box for survivors, hull. The best and simplest PUBG box opener. Random skins, it will not be so easy, get ready! The last thing to mention about loot in PUBG mobile is that the rarest loot can only be found in airdrops. If you want powerful snipers and assault rifles, you’ll need to wait for an airdrop to be dropped from a passing plane.