Android Mobile Phones Apps Language Quiz Online Test

Android apps Online Quiz MCQs and Solved Questions for the Students and also for the job seekers. You can get here help with the online quiz tests. All subjects of google android and latest android version of android MCQs. All android store most important questions with Answers. Best of the top android phones Questions with Solved Quiz Tests. Android application Quiz Test and MCQs Answers.

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Past Papers Questions Answers ANDROID Language Quiz

1. Android is built upon the Java Micro Edition (J2ME) version of Java?

False (Answer)



2. Which piece of code used in Android is not open source?

Power management

WiFi? driver (Answer)

Audio driver

Keypad driver


3. A device with Android installed is needed to develop apps for Android?

False (Answer)



4. When did Google purchase Android?


2005 (Answer)




5. Although most people’s first thought when they think of Android is Google, Android is not actually owned by Google. Who owns the Android platform?


Open Handset Alliance (Answer)

Oracle Technology

The above statement is and Android is owned by Google


6. What was Google’s main business motivation for supporting Android?

To directly compete with the iPhone

To level the playing field for mobile devices

To corner the mobile device application market for licensing purposes

To allow them to advertise more (Answer)


7. Why are the so few users left with versions 1.0 and 1.1?

Everyone with 1.0 and 1.1 were upgraded to 1.5 over the air automatically (Answer)

The first phones were released with version 1.5

1.0 and 1.1 are just number designations for the version Apple’s iPhone is running

1.0 and 1.1 had security holes that forced carriers to recall phones using them


8. Google licensed some proprietary apps?


True (Answer)


9. From a phone manufacturer’s point of view, what makes Android so great?

It allows them to compete with Apple’s iPhone

It makes the hardware work better

Aside from some specific drivers, it provides everything to make a phone work (Answer)

It allows users to create apps, generating revenue for the companies


10. Which among these are NOT a part of Android’s native libraries?



Dalvik (Answer)



11. What year was development on the Dalvik virtual machine started?



2005 (Answer)



12. What is a key difference with the distribution of apps for Android based devices than other mobile device platform applications?

Applications are distributed by multiple vendors with different policies on applications (Answer)

Applications are distributed by Apple App Store only

Applications are distributed by multiple vendors with the exact same policies on applications.

Applications are distributed by the Android Market only


13. Android releases since 1.5 have been given nicknames derived how?

Something that starts w/ ‘A’ -> Something that starts w/ ‘B

Food (Answer)

Adjective and strange animal

American states


14. What was the first phone released that ran the Android OS?

Google gPhone

Motorola Droid

T-Mobile G1 (Answer)

HTC Hero


15. Android is based on Linux for the following reason?

All of these (Answer)


