MS Excel Solved MCQs Online Quiz Test Preparations

Most important excel questions and answers with excel test questions with Answers. All of these excel test questions and answers. Computer Short Cut Keys For Computer Interviews and Jobs Test Preparations. In excel skills test with basic excel test Microsoft excel questions and answers and free online excel test Quiz.

Past Papers MS Excel Solved Questions Answers

1. In Excel Tab scrolling button

Allow you to view additional sheets tabs (Answer)

Allow you to view a different worksheet

Allow you to view additional worksheet columns to the right

Allow you to view additional worksheet rows down


2. In Excel to delete an embedded objects, first

Double click the object

Press the Shift + Delete keys

Select the object by clicking it

Select it and then press the delete key (Answer)


3. In Excel how many characters can be typed in a single cell?



65535 (Answer)



4. In Excel which of the following formulas will Excel not be able to calculate?



=SUM(Sales)-A3 (Answer)



5. In Excel the following is not an example of a value

Serial Number 50771 (Answer)

May 10, 2001

57&per cent;



6. In Excel Chart wizard term data categories refers to

The organization of individual values with a chart’s data series

The data range that supply chart data

A chart plot area

A horizontal axis (Answer)


7. In Excel typical worksheet has …. Number of columns


256 (Answer)




8. In Excel which of the following is an absolute cell reference?



$A$1 (Answer)



9. In Excel a fast way to add up this column of number is to click in the cell below the numbers and then

Click the autosum button on the standard toolbar, then press enter (Answer)

All of above

Click subtotals on the data menu

View the sum in the formula bar


10. In Excel numeric value can be treated as a label value if it precedes with

Ampersand (&)

Apostrophe (‘) (Answer)

Exclamation (!)

Hash (#)


11. In Excel worksheet can have a maximum of …. Number of rows



65535 (Answer)



12. In Excel which of the following formulas is not entered (Answer)ly?




10+50 (Answer)


13. In Excel which of the following is not a worksheet design criterion?

Description (Answer)





14. In Excel chart wizard term data series refers to

A data label

A collection of chart data markers (Answer)

A set of values you plot in a chart

A chart legend


15. In Excel what symbol is used before a number to make it a label?

-- (underscore)

“ (quote)

‘ (apostrophe)

= (equal) (Answer)


16. In Excel getting data from a cell located in a different sheet is called


Referencing (Answer)




17. In Excel suppose you have columns of data that span more than one printed page. How can you automatically print the column headings on each page?

Click page setup on the final menu, click the sheet tab, and make a selection under the print heading.

All of above

Click page setup on the file menu, click the sheet tab, and enter the row that contains these column headings under
print titles. (Answer)

Click page setup on the file menu, click the page tab, click the options button, then enter your choices.


18. In Excel worksheet range is a

A command used for data modeling

A range of values such as from 23 to 234

A group of cells (Answer)

A group of worksheets


19. In Excel comments can be added to cells using

Insert > Comments (Answer)

View > Comments

File > Comments

Edit > Comments


20. In Excel which symbol must all formula begin with?


= (Answer)

