Essay on Importance of Sports and Games for School and College Students

One can enjoy every peace and happiness if one has a sound mind in a sound body. And this is possible if one regularly takes part in games and sports besides his usual routine work. The best way to keep limbs fit for any work is to provide them proper exercises, and this is possible if we go in for games and sports.

Their of Ancient Civilization:
The people in the ancient civilizations gave importance to games and sports. The ancient Greeks were lovers of games and sports. They knew how to build up their bodies aad keep themselves strong. They held the Olympics every four years to encourage the people of the city-states to take part in physical events. The ancient Romans were no less in this regard. Even the Aryans in ancient India were good at weaponry, archery, wrestling, club-fighting, swordsmanship, chariot-driving and so on. In this age of science, games and sports have got their value everywhere in the world. They have been a part and parcel of our education nowadays.

Varieties of Games and Sports:
Everybody in this world is desirous of having a sound physique free from all sorts of ailments. This will provide them happiness in life. The people who go riding, climbing, walking running, swimming generally enjoy sound health, One may play hockey, football, cricket, volley, kabaddi, tennis, etc, and thus get much needed exercises to his body, One may also take part in jumps and throws in gymnastics in order to have good exercise. A sportsman enjoys sound body with a sound mind, and has better appetite and better sleep than one who never does any exercises.

How they useful to us:
Games and sports help players develop the habit of fair play, a sense of sportsmanship, leadership, obedience to rules, discipline, team spirit, honesty, cooperation and so on. All these things learnt o the play-field are very helpful in their public life. They accept their victory and defeat with a sportsman's spirit all their life, and thus make themselves successful men and women. Games and sports teach them self-control and provide them eternal cheer.

The are and outlet for excess youthful:
Games and sports are a sort of outlet for excess youthful energy. The young boys and girls are always full of youthful vigour; and if it is not put on the right track, it will make them trouble-mongers, ruffians in schools and colleges, Now games and sports are the best means to use their youthful spirit and keep their leisure hours engaged.

Conclusion: Games and sports are certainly very useful to one and all. But unfortunately they are not paid proper attention in our schools and colleges. It is a matter of regret that our country has not been able to produce sportsmen of international standard. Our boys and girls should be encouraged to take active part in games and sports. Besides studies, if they do well in games and sports, they will easily be able to get jobs in different organizations. If they prove themselves to be good sportsmen, they will earn name, fame and money and thus make their life happy. As the time is changing, our government should make games and sports compulsory in schools, colleges and universities. Then only shall able be able to build up our youth power to face the challenges in life.