Essay on Fashion Among Students for School and College Students

fashionable girl

A man has always been a slave to changing fashions. Fashions are the product of time and environment. When a nation prospers or progresses, its members develop certain ways of life. There has been a slow and continuous change in the traditional values, giving way to new and modern one. These changes keeping up with the new spirits of time are fashions.

Fashions change as the time changes. Whatever is fashionable today may not be fashionable tomorrow. So fashions are short-lived. Anything that gains popularity and acceptability comes into vogue. And when a craze for it changes, it dies out.

Fashions attract the youth, especially the students in schools, colleges and universities. Boys dress up themselves gorgeously to catch others' attention. Most of them put on dresses of latest designs. Almost all students, except the poor ones who cannot afford to buy expensive dresses, consider it their privilege to keep themselves up-to-date in dresses. Some boys think that they are like Amitabh Bachan,  some imitate the hairstyle of Dev Anand, and some others comb their hair back to look themselves dignified.

Every boy strives hard to look smart and handsome. They often go about looking appreciatively at their dress and style. Many are found putting their handkerchiefs in their coat pockets and adjusting their ties. Some prefer to keep long and deep moustaches; some keep a well-trimmed narrow row of them just above their upper lip. Most of their fashions are an imitation of the film stars.

Girls do not lag behind in the world of fashions. Some of them come in salwar and shirt with the apron on their breasts in V-shape while some others put the apron around their necks exposing their breasts. Some girls put on tight jean trousers and shirts to show off themselves best. The hairstyle also varies from one girl to another. Some tuck their hair behind them; some let it hang loose on their shoulders while some others do it up into single or double braids suspending on the breast. They apply cosmetics of rich perfume and lipstick of the latest colour to look themselves attractive.

The modern youth spend a lot of their time on the toilet and makeup. Each tries to excel others in dress and styles. They make every effort to catch others' attention. Envious glances are cast on students who come in fashionable dresses and attractive make-ups.

Nowadays students are so much interested in style and fashion that they hardly pay their attention to class teaching. They are rather engrossed in talking about the latest fashions. Most of them think that going to school or college and attending classes are simply a part of their normal routine, but showing themselves at their best is a for them. They probably follow the principle of less load and more comfort, and simply carry with them to the class a short note-book and a ball-pen.

Fashions are prevalent more in towns and cities than in rural areas. They get bred up, come into vogue and spread like wildfire all over the city. Besides hairstyle, fashionable dress and makeup, it becomes the fashion among the college students to visit movies frequently, dine at the hostel and restaurants, visit coffee bars and loiter about marketplaces and squares. The style and fashion of film stars have an impact on them, Smoking has become a very common fashion with boys, and even with some girls, The fashion-shows on dress and style on TV and cinema screens have their influence on the young students.

Fashions have their adverse effect on the youth. They make students indifferent to studies and turn them easy-goers. Some students go astray because of fashions and prove themselves to be a failure in their life. This does not mean that fashions are altogether harmful, It is the students who are responsible for their failure. At times, one cannot but yield to fashions just to keep ρace with the changing time.

Fashions have their good side too. They keep the young students smart and active and make them courageous. They help the girls come out of their shells and compete with boys in every field. Fashions are considered to be a source of enlightenment. They fill our youngsters with confidence.

The modern world is the world of fashions, and one can not go without them. But an excessive craze for fashions may prove harmful. Decent and reasonable fashions will add to one's personality; and unnecessary fashions, on the other hand, may marone's life and character.
