The Future of AdSense | How AdSense And Other Ad Companies Will Need Your Blog or Website

The Future of AdSense | How AdSense And Other Ad Companies Will Need Your Blog or Website
the future of advertsing

This world is changing with rapid phase, in such a rapid phase that I look 180 degree different after and before 10 years. With the evolution of Internet and then the rapid growth of user base of Internet, companies like Google and Yahoo offer the search opportunity for people to get answers, quickly and at short time. In 2006 Google Announce Google AdSense and at the same time Google AdWords, a program that offer advertisers and publisher a common platform. Viewing the popularity of Google AdSense, different Internet based companies lunch Advertising based programs for publishers and Advertisers.

How Google AdSense will look like in Future?

 Most of the experts claiming that in the next generation is going toward Video Advertising and even people like Video ads then those of the sticky ads. The future is very clear and more simple of the Internet, the simple fact is that “In future companies like Facebook and YouTube wants to be more competitive and provide high quality videos.

As it is said “A picture is better than a thousand words but what about Video; a million times better then a picture”.
To better understand the technology, Internet is going to build something that no one sees at right time. Those who see at the right time will be the next Steve Jobs and the Mark Zuckerberg of Internet.
What visionary sees is most common people can’t see that. The future of Internet is even bigger than that of expect. Some people see Internet as a source of information, some see at through the eyes of entertainment and for some people the whole Internet is Facebook. Those who bring something that totally deviate from information, entertainment or social media is going to be the next Billionaire that even no one will chase it.

Technology is changing every second, people or companies use stat. to find out what will be their ideal costumer? Or what the customer wants from our company or from me? These are hard questions but it is addressable and should be achieved through proper collection of data.

How Companies, in future do advertising at your blog/website?

Companies like people, Google like service and Money, publishers have the users and at the same time they also want to earn some money from their hard work. So, Google is act like a third party between Publisher and Advertisers.

When Google AdSense lauch, it only show a specific type of ads, mostly the ads will be like Text ads, mostly full of links, from 5 to 10 links.

With passing time, New size of ad is introduce with innovative experiments and this open up a new era of Advertising, time is passing and Video ads are introduce just for Video based sites and right GIF is used as a best advertising tool.

So what is next?
The next will be a big thing and may be come with slow evolution, But people are going toward Video sites more than content sites for searching information which may led to a paradigm shift for the next 10 years.
Some best websites that I recommend to visit to learn about digital advertising then visit at is the best resource to learn about the digital advertising.
In United states, after YouTube Nextflix is come to the market which come up with the new ideas and so the shift from one type of advertising to other.

What will happen next is not known it is only estimated.