Spotting Errors in English Grammar MCQs

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Quantitative Reasoning Verbal Ability Spotting Errors Solved MCQs

1. I finished my work/(A)before we reached his place/(B)with great difficulty because of heavy traffic/(C)No error

(A) (Answer)




2. The majority of laborers/(A)is demanding/(B)and increase in wages/(C)No error


(B) (Answer)



3. On hearing the news over the radio that/(A)India has won the hockey match,/(B)I jumped with joy/(C)No error



(B) (Answer)


4. If I knew/(A)that my friend had planned to visit the town today/(B)I would have made his stay comfortable/(C)No error



(C) (Answer)


5. The man told to her/(A)that he had not brought his dog/(B)out for a walk as he was afraid that it would rain/(C)



(A) (Answer)


6. I can't hear you./(A)please speak distinctly/(B)which telephone number you want?/(C)No error


(C) (Answer)



7. He won't return the money/(A)that he borrowed/(B)will he?/(C)No error

(C) (Answer)




8. The future is/(A)yet to come/(B)but you have a/(C)right to shape it/(D)No error




(A) (Answer)


9. There goes Old Mrs. Qadir/(A)and her meek/(B)little husband/(C)No error



(A) (Answer)


10. Some of the devotees/(A)prostrate on the steps/(B)or the floor in front of the idol/(C)before leaving/(D)No error




(B) (Answer)


11. In spite of severl reminders,/(A)he did not so far send/(B)any reply to my letters/(C)No error

(B) (Answer)




12. If I was you/(A)I would not have/(B)committed this blunder/(C)No error

(A) (Answer)




13. I am sure that/(A)neither the house nor its contents/(B)if for sale/(C)No error


(C) (Answer)



14. The United States of America have/(A)a huge budget deficit /(B)despite the people's fabulous prosperity/(C)No error

(A) (Answer)




15. Not one of the hundereds /(A)of striking workers/(B)were allowed to go near the factory/(C)No error


(C) (Answer)



16. More widely popular/(A)than the hunting of deer or fox/(B)were the pursuit of the hare/(C)No error


(C) (Answer)



17. Children visiting the/(A)park are amused/(B)by the monkeys/(C)play in the cages/(D)No error


(A) (Answer)




18. Cricket has become so popular/(A)that even elderly people/(B)are discussing /(C)the game when they meet /(D)No error



(C) (Answer)



19. If the Manager acted in time,/(A)the strike would/(B)not have lasted long/(C)No error


(A) (Answer)



20. The news of his marriage to another girl/(A)was a shock to her/(B)but she bore up bravely/(C)and went on as if nothing has happened/(D)No error




(D) (Answer)


21. Bread and butter/(A)is/(B)wholesome food/(C)No error



(C) (Answer)


22. Developmental activities of the government/(A)come to a standstill/(B)due to paucity of founds/(C)No error


(B) (Answer)



23. None of my friends/(A)are applying/(B)for this job /(C)No error


(B) (Answer)



24. The Hindi and the Marathi are/(A)different forms of the Sanskrit language/(B)which were once spoken /(C)in almost every part of India/(D)No error




(C) (Answer)


25. The Committee Chief warned the party members/(A)that if they persist/(B)in their obstructionist attitude/(C)they would be suspended /(D)No error


(B) (Answer)



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