Earn Money In Pakistan From BitCoin Using PakCoin | Pakistan Cryptocurrency

 Earn Money In Pakistan From BitCoin Using PakCoin | Pakistan Cryptocurrency 

BitCoin is a hot topic now a day and every body want to get a lot of money using this method. Bitcoin is a very different type of currency. 

First of all i an going to introduce you to the Bitcoin.

What is BitCoin? 

Bitcoin is a digitial currency or we can say that the digitial numbers you own at Internet. Bitcoin is as of reports is started at 2009 as a open source software and right now its value is keeping increasing with every day. 

How People are earning through Bitcoin?

Bitcoin work the same way as the when you buy a share in the open market. When you buy a share in the open market its value is either increasing or decreasing, so with the passage of time its value is increase to a value that you want to sell it, so if the value of the share is increase then you get profit and if the value of the share is decrease from the original value then you go into loss. 

What is PakCoin.com?

PakCoin is a Pakistan(Country) based blockchain Technology which offer the BitCoin to buy or sell in Pakistan. PakCoin.com is a very famous Bitcoin buy and sell Website. 

How to Buy PakCoins?

To Buy PakCoins. Go to the Pakcoin Website and scroll down. You will see a section like this one.

pakcoin dashboard

As you see there are three options

Then scroll down more, you will see a section like

buy pakcoins

Click on the "Get started" Button then the following window will be appear.

buy pakcoin bitcoin in Pakistan

In This you have to make your PakCoin account and then you have to upload the Scanned version of Your CNIC. 

You are done. 
Now, you can buy a BitCoin and can earn money through it, exclusively in Pakistan. So, if you still have any question of how to earn money through BitCoin In Pakistan, feel free to comment.