Common Errors in English Grammar For Exams Test

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Quantitative Reasoning Verbal Ability Spotting Errors Solved MCQs

1. The customer handed over/(A)a hundered rupees note/(B)to the shopkeeper/(C)No error


(B) (Answer)



2. The sound of/(A)a gun shot/(B)scattered the flock of birds/(C)No error


(C) (Answer)



3. These kind/(A)of shirts/(B)are rather expensive/(C)for him to buy/(D)No error




(A) (Answer)


4. The Pakistani force/(A)drove away/(B)the Indian /(C)No error



(A) (Answer)


5. You can get/(A)all the information you want /(B)in this book/(C)No error


(A) (Answer)



6. Interviews for/(A)the posts of lecturers /(B)will begin from Monday/(C)No error


(B) (Answer)



7. I have done my best:/(A)the whole thing is now /(B)in the laps of the Gods/(C)No error



(C) (Answer)


8. One of the most/(A)widely spread/(B)bad habit/(C)is the use of tobacco/(D)No error


(C) (Answer)




9. All the furniture have been/(A)sent of the new house/(B)located in a village/(C)No error



(A) (Answer)


10. Students should not take part/(A)in party politics and political demonstrations/(B)as they interfere in serious study/(C)No error



(C) (Answer)


11. The crowed of angry students/(A)ordered the /(B) closing of shops/(C)No error


(A) (Answer)



12. They have/(A)placed order/(B)for books/(C)No error


(B) (Answer)



13. Recently I visited Kashmir:/(A)and found the scencries /(B)to be marvelous/(C)No error

(B) (Answer)




14. Syed Noor, who conceived, co-authored/(A)and directed a number of good films, was/(B)one of India's most talented film maker/(C)No error



(C) (Answer)


15. The blinds/(A)deserve/(B)our sympathy /(C)No error



(A) (Answer)


16. The bus could not:/(A)ascend the steep hill/(B)because it was in the wrong gears/(C)No error

(C) (Answer)




17. The polling was marred:/(A)at many a place/(B)by attempts at niggling /(C)No error


(B) (Answer)



18. The flock of lions/(A)Ramonda about/(B)fearlessly in the jungle/(C)No error

(A) (Answer)




19. A trained gang of sailors/(A)was employed/(B)on the ship/(C)No error



(A) (Answer)


20. This article/(A)is not available in/(B)any of the shop/(C)in the market/(D)No error




(C) (Answer)


21. The rate of growing/(A)may be different for different people/(B)but old age spares none/(C)No error


(A) (Answer)



22. I saw/(A)a few children/(B)playing on sand/(C)No error



(C) (Answer)


23. They left/(A)their luggage/(B)at the railway station/(C)No error

(B) (Answer)




24. His mouth watered/(A)when he saw/(B)a bouquets of grapes/(C)No error

(C) (Answer)




25. My brother in laws

No error

have come to stay with us

Who live in Karachi (Answer)

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