PPSC Jobs 2023 latest Advertisement - Jobs in Punjab - Govt. Jobs

Punjab Public Service Commission Lahore offers Job in the Various department of Punjab for the following posts mentioned in the PPSC Jobs 2023 Latest Advertisement. Jobs Location in Punjab. The government of Punjab offers Jobs for both on regular basis and also on a contract basis.

PPSC Jobs 2023 Latest Advertisement - Advertisement No. 56/2023

Advertisement Date: 15-11-2023
(Jang & The Nation Newspaper)
Domicile: Punjab
Selection: Merit Based
Last Date: 30-11-2023
Apply: Online
Qualifications & Experience: Details below
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Department and Posts Name:
  1. Agriculture Department:
    1. Assistant (BS-16)
  2. Specialized Healthcare and Medical Education Department:
    1. Associate Professor OBST. & Gynaecology (BS-19)
    2. Assistant Professor Psychiatry (BS-18)
    3. Senior Registrar (BS-18):
      • E.N.T
      • Medicine
      • Cardiology
      • Neuro-Surgery
      • Orthopaedic Surgery
      • Radiology
      • Cardiac Surgery
      • Pulmonology
      • Nephrology
    4. Planning Officer (BS-17)
    5. Professor of Anaesthesia (BS-20)
    6. Associate Professor Paediatric Urology (BS-19)
    7. Associate Professor Surgery (BS-19)
    8. Dental Surgeon/Demonstrator /Registrar (BS-17)
    9. Sr. Registrar Paediatric Haematology Oncology (BS-18)
  3. Director General Mine and Minerals:
    1. Dy. Manager Geological Mapping (BS-17)
    2. Dy. Manager Mineral Data and Geo-Chemistry (BS-17)
  4. Chief Inspector Mine & Minerals Punjab:
    1. Assistant Head/Clerk (BS-17)
  5. Court of Special Judge Anti-Corruption Sahiwal:
    1. Reader/Assistant (BS-17)
  6. Labour & Human Resource Department:
    1. Labour Inspector (BS-16)
    2. Labour Officer (BS-16)
  7. Child Protection and Welfare Bureau Department:
    1. Child Protection Officer (Legal) (BS-17)
    2. System Network Manager (BS-17)
    3. Child Psychologist
  8. Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries Department:
    1. Assistant Director Wildlife (BS-17)
  9. Libe Stock and Dairy Development:
    1. Veterinary Officer (BS-17)
  10. Punjab Youth Affairs, Sports Archaeology & Tourism Department:
    1. Officer/Administrator/Officer-In-Charge/ Care-Taker (BS-16)
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General Instructions:
To show up in test/meet just Original Valid CNIC issued by NADRA will be acknowledged. No other Identification report will be worthy. Candidates are encouraged to peruse all terms and conditions/guidelines of the Advertisement and in addition "Critical Instructions to Competitors" given on PPSC site painstakingly keeping in mind the end goal to present their Online Applications finish in all regards. The onus/ the duty of accuracy of the information given in the On-line application Form will lay decisively on the applicants. Candidates are required to submit "On-line Application Form" by the Closing Date which is 30-11-2023 up to 12:00 AM
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Candidates should fill in the On-line Application Form deliberately in the light of the Guidelines and Instructions specified in the notice for the said post and "Critical Instructions to Candidates". Altering alternatives, to remedy any information in the Online Application Form, will be accessible to the competitors till the Closing Date of accommodation of online Applications. Negative stamping should be done and 0.50 check might be deducted for each wrong answer in all Objective (MCQ) papers. For all presents on being filled through-composed test took after by meeting or meeting alone, the quantity of chances might be confined to three. Notwithstanding, if an applicant qualifies the meeting, however, can't be prescribed for an arrangement because of a deficiency of opening, his shot might not be considered as profited while the possibility of a competitor who does not qualify the composed test or meeting should be considered as profited. For the post of Lecturer in Education Department, a competitor who is the candidate for more than one subject should be permitted three possibilities in each subject for which he/she is an applicant as per above set down approach. It is obligatory for Applicants to store under Head:"Co2101-ORGANIZATIONS OF STATE-TEST FEE Acknowledged BY THE PUNJAB PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION", in any Branch of State Bank of Pakistan or National Bank of Pakistan or Government Treasury prior to the Closing Date of accommodation of utilization. No Bank Draft or Pay Order or Check or any such instrument will be acknowledged as an expense by the Commission. Candidates living outside Pakistan, yet having Domicile of the Punjab will store the expense at the Pakistani Embassy of dwelling nation in the cash of that nation comparable to the measure of Application/Test Fee endorsed for the post. Impaired candidates are not required to store application expense.
