Sociology Past Papers MCQs With Answers

Sociology Past Papers MCQs taken from the Old Papers of CSS and others Entry Tests. All of These MCQs are Very important and repeated in the Papers.

(1) Etnocentricism means:
(a) Evaluating other cultures with the Yardstick of your own values.
(b)Taking other nations as good as your own one but disowned
(c)No other society is like your’s and your society or group is superior to

(d) None of these.

(2) Social facts have thier independent existence and must be studied
likewise. Who remarked above when discussing scientific method:
(a)Ibn-i-Khaldun (b)Emile Durkhiem
(c)Auguste Comte (d) None of These

(3) An exploratory research design the major focus is on:
(a) Experimentation (b) Hypothesetesting
(c) Profile development and description (d) None of these

(4) Diffusion of innovations among cultures means:
(a) Traveling of traits and patterns in space/territory
(b) Transmission of trait complexes in time.
(c) Both(a) and (b)
(d) None of these

(5) Social institutions are ;
(a) God-given and cannot be changed
(b) Buildings and people who operate there
(c) Consultellation of folkways and moresaround some important functions(s)
of society.

(d) None of these.

(6)A counter culture:
(a) Has to be against the existing cultural ethos/values
(b) May not be against the existing cultural ethos/values
(c) If different from the existing culture may never succeed to survive
(d) None of these.

(7) Family Laws Ordinance was passed for the first time in:
(a) 1961 (b) 1973
(c) 1985 (d) None of these.

(8) Demographic Transition exhibits:
(a) High birth rate and low death rate in its first phase
(b) high death rate and low birth rate in its first phase.
(c) High birth rate and high death rate in its first phase.
(d) None of these.

(9) As a conquence of rural urban migration:
(a) more and more urbanization is takling place successfully
(b) ruralization of urban areas is takling place
(c) ruralization of urban areas and ribbon growth seem to be the result
(d) None of these

(10) In a patriarchal family the major decision are taken by the:
(a)Old men and women
(b)The male or female head of the family
(c)The male head of the family who weilds all powers
(d)None of these.

(11) Sociobiologists believe that:
(a) biology being the major constraints does not allow any change in human
nature hence socialization does not change much of human individual
nature.(b) Individaul is the product of social group within which he is socialized
(c)The-nature controversy has ended in favour of nurture and the
bio-sociologists have failed to promote thier thesis.
(d) None of these

(12)A double-barrelle question has the potential of having:
(a) Two acceptable responses/answers
(b)Two answers but incompatible with each other
(c) Both (a) and (b) 
(d) None of these .

(13) Those who cannot compete have no right for higher learning and must be refused accordingly who believed in the above thesis?
(a) Auguste comte (b)Spencer
(c) Karl max (d) None of these

(14) Whose theorizing social change is depicted/comes closer to Iqbal’s verse: “AA tujh ko bataon main taqdeer umam kia hai shamsher w sanna awwal taoos w rabab aakhir”
(a) Karl- Marx
(b) Ibn-i-Khaldun
(c)George Hegel
(d) None of these.

(15) The lowest density of population per square kilometer is found in:
(a) Sindh (b) N.W.F.P
(c)Baluchistan (d) None of these

(16) Alteration is the state of affairs in which:
(a) the society has no norms and if there are any nobody follows the
(b) the individual has no claim over the product that he has finished
(c) the worker is least emotionally related to the product that he develops, the co-workers and the work emviorment.

(17) The rate of return for a mailed questionaire is usually:
(a) very high (b) very low
(c) it can be both (a) and(b) (d) None of these

(18) According to Emile Durkhiem the Mechanical Solidarity is based on:
(a) blood relations and neighbourhood
(b) division of labour and specialization
(c) The contribution individuals make to each other
(d) None of these

(19) Cultural Shock is caused by:
(a) Playing is different role and getting role strain
(b) finding values, norms and customs against ones cultural socialization
usually opposite to what one has been socilizad in and they turn out to
be dysfunctional.
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these

(20) Standard deviation in statistics is the measure that indicates in essence the :
(a) Central tendency
(b) Spread of the sample means/values
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these

21) Who said “Man is a social animal”?

22) Who called sociology “Social Physics”?
a)Auguste Comte
c)Herbert Spencer

23) Bourgeois type of society was introduced by?
Karl Marx

24) When cultural traits spread from one society to another,the process is called?

25) An ascribed status is one that is;
endowed at birth

26) Ethnocentrism means
superiority of ones own culture

27) A system in which one husband is married to many women is called;

28) Levirate means;
a)Marriage of a man with the widow of his deceased brother
b)Marriage of a man with the sister of his deceased wife
c)None of these.

29) Joint family may be preferred because it has;
a)greater financial security
b)Division of labour
c)workable as a cooperative
d)all of these

30) Which of the following is not a major feature of capitalism?
Equitable distribution of income

31) Movement from rural to urban area is called;

32) Religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things.This definition has been given by;

33) Rapid growth of urbanization is due to advancement in;

34) Whose statement is this”where there is life there is society”
a)August Comte
b)Herbert Spencer
d)Maclver & Page

35) Who developed the “organic theory of society”
a)Herbert Spencer
b)Henry Maine
c)Thomas Hobbes

36) What does culture usually reflect in Modern society?
a)Group culture
b)National culture
c)Geographical culture
d)religious culture

37) Customs are powerful in regulating the conduct of people in:
a)Simple societies
b)Urban societies
c)Industralized societies
d)All of these

38) Which one of these is not an essential element of community
Individual interest

39) Norms in society indicate;
Standarized generalization about normal expected mode of behaviour

40) Which one of the following is not a healthy social process?

d)None of these.