Make Your Blogger Widgets Position Fixed While Scrolling

Sticky SideBar in blogger

Last Time!! I share Aamir Iqbal SEO Course And also with SEO Tutorials video. Now i am going to share about Fixed Widget in blogger while scrolling. Fixed Widgets are also known as Sticky Widgets or Sticky Sidebars , Sticky Menus in Blogger.. so in this post i will teach you how to make sticky widgets in blogger. Follow My Below Steps.

Creating Sticky/Fixed Widget , Menu and Sidebars In BlogSpot Blogger

Sticky Menu in Blogger

  1. Go to your Blogger Dashboard > Theme > Edit HTML
  2. Click anywhere inside the template editor box
  3. Press Ctrl + F to opening Search Box
  4. Type ]]></b:skin> in the search box and press Enter Key
  5. Paste the below code above the ]]></b:skin>


  • Now</body>
  • After you find the </body> paste the given code just above the it and click Save Theme

  • <script type='text/javascript'>
    // Sticky Menubar
    function makemeSticky(e){function t(){var e=s.getBoundingClientRect();<0?(n.className=a+" sticky","px"):n.className=a}var n=document.getElementById(e),s=document.createElement("div");n.parentNode.insertBefore(s,n);var i=n.offsetWidth,a=n.className+" makesticky";window.addEventListener("scroll",t,!1)}makemeSticky("menu-wrapper");

    Before Saving your template  paste your widget Id/code .. if you dont know from where i can find widget id so dont be Confuse simple click  below link for checking your widget Id . Thank you..

    How to Check Widgets/Gadgets Id In Blogger/Blogspot ?