CSE316 : Operating System Concept End Term Exam Question Paper - lpu

Question 1. (a) What is a system call?
(b) What are the different states in which a process resides until its execution
is completed?
(c) What is context switching?
(d) What is role of long term scheduler?
(e) What are environment variable?
(f) What is dynamic memory allocation?
(g) How deadlocks are different from starvation?
(h) Draw the wait-for-graph corresponding to this resource allocation graph. Find out whether there
is is a deadlock or not?

(i) What is the deference between logical and physical address?
(j) What do you mean by external fragmentation?


Qestion 2. (a) List five services provided by an operating system. Explain how each provides
convenience to the users. Explain also in which cases it would be impossible for user-level
programs to provide these services.
(b) What are difference between user level thread and kernel level threads? Under
what circumstances is one type better than the other?

Question 3. (a) Consider the following scenario of five processes with priority, burst and Arrival
Time Calculate average waiting time and average turn around time by showing GanttCharts
      Process   Priority      Burst
time           ArrivalTime
0       P1        10          3
5       P2        3           1
2       P3        2           3
3       P4        1           5
1       P5        5           2

i. Priority scheduling with PREEMPTIVE.
ii. Priority scheduling without PREEMPTIVE.
(b) i) Explain the differences with diagram between multilevel queue and
multilevel feedback queue scheduling.
ii) Explain with example how the behavior variate when the time quantum for
round robin scheduling is large or small.

Question 4. (a) Explain Banker's algorithm or deadlock avoidance with multiple instance of a recourse in detail
with the help of example.
(b) Explain the following desk scheduling algorithms with the help of an example.
i) FCFS ii) SSTF iii) SCAN

Question 5. (a) i) What is virtual memory? How demand paging supports the virtual
memory? Explain in detail.
ii) How segmentation supports user view of memory?
(b) Consider the following page reference string:
How many page faults would occur for the following page replacement algorithm assuming three as
frame size? Remember that all frames are initially empty.
i) LRU replacement
ii) FIFO replacement
iii) Optimal replacement

Question 6. (a) Explain all the techniques dealing with inter process communication in detail.
(b) Write a program to show the usage of popen() and pclose(). Discuss with the expected outcome.
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