Creation of Pakistan

Pakistan and the Modern World

This essay named “Pakistan and the Modern World” is an extract from his speech delivered at the University of Kansas in America when he was being bestowed on an honorary degree. There he advocated the case of Pakistan very successfully. Liaquat Ali Khan was an eloquent. He threw light on the reasons which brought about the creation of Pakistan. He also discussed the problems faced by this new born state. Liaquat Ali khan told the Americans that the creation of Pakistan was a very wise step and it had removed the tensions in Asia. Creation of Pakistan was going play a very important role in Stabilizing Asia. He also invited the role of The U.S.A and that of the West to share their stock of experience and knowledge for the progress and well-being of Pakistan. He told that Pakistan passed through the same experience through which America had passed two centuries ago.

Reasons For Demanding a New State

First of all he told that in the united India, there lived two nations who were the followers of two different religions. The Muslims believed in the ones of God and His last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). Contrary to that, the Hindus believed in many gods and goddesses and there was not concept of prophet hood at all. So, it was very difficult to live both the nations and followers of two different religions under one democratic rule and the creation of Pakistan became inevitable, Secondly, in the united India, Muslims were in minority whereas Hindus were in majority. It meant, if the Muslims got freedom from the British rule, it would not be called a true freedom. It would mean only the change of the masters as Hindus replaced the British. So, Muslims demanded for a separate homeland for themselves. The economic outlooks of the two nations were qui9te different. The Muslims had their own laws of inheritance. The Muslims believed in the circulation of the wealth. The economic set up of the Hindus promoted the system of unearned accumulation of wealth. They gathered the wealth and gave it to others on high interest rate. The wealth was curtailed only to a few people. The sub-continent was too large to manage under one unit. If it was done so, it might have created many problems politically and administratively. So, it became inevitable to divide the subcontinent into two sovereign states. Hindus believed in the cast-system whereas the Muslim believed in the equality of all human beings. Hindus thought it a sin to talk to a person of lower caste. They even avoided the shadow of person who was of low caste. The people belonging to a lower caste was not be allowed to hear the recitation of their sacred book So, these are the reasons which forced the Muslims to demand for a separate homeland to live there according to the teachings of Islam.