Islamiat General Knowledge MCQs Online Quiz
Sami Aslam
Most Important Islamiat General Knowledge MCQs
- On Judgement Day Namaz will be asked first
- 22 times word Zakat is used in Makki Surahs
- 5 per cent or 1/5 is the rate of usher for canal irrigated Zameen
- Parents, Husband, wife and children are not entitled to get Zakat
- Roza (fasting) is the 4th Rukn (pillar) of Islam
- Arkan Roza has Three, to restrict eating, drinking and sexual intercourse
- Taqwa, Zabti-Nafas, Shukar are the objectives of Roza
- Rehamt-ka-Ashrah we say to 1st Ashra of Ramzan
- Maghfrat-ka-Ashrah we say to 2nd Ashrah of Ramzan
- To get rid of Hell’s fire we say to 3rd Ashrah of Ramzan
- Hajj was started From Prophet’s Hazrat Ibrahim age
- There are two Rukns, Stay at Arafat and Tawaf-e-Kabba
- To take seven rounds around Khana Kabba is called Tawaf
- Read Talbia (Talibiyah) while entering Haram Sharif during Hajj in Ahram
- Hajjar-e-Aswad stone of Kabba wall is kissed
- Sayee is named to run between Safa and Marwa
- Rami is said to throw stones at three spots
- Yum-ul-Tarvia is 8 Zil-Hajj and Stay at Mina
- 9 Zil Hajj at Yaum-e-Arafat and Stay at Arafat before Maghrib
- First Tawaf on presence at Kabba is meant by Tawaf-e-Qadoom