Things takes time, and if you think about future then there is good chance that you earns a lot of money from the AdSense.
Some people are too greedy and some times that click on his own websites which result in nothing but the loss of their goose and then that goose never lay Golden eggs. So never ever clcik on his own website.
You can Make money with AdSense with Just Follow the Steps as I show
- Make a Website
- Create quality conetent
- Do SEO in Pakistan, Aamir Iqbal is a great guy who have a good knwoldge about SEO.
- Get Search Traffic
- Get Traffic
- Apply for AdSense
- When Adsense Approve never sit easy
- Do social Promotion
- Write, write and write
- Here we go
You will make Money when you are sleeping, and when you get up from a beautiful morning and open your Pakistani Approved AdSense you will note that
Happy Living, Remember you Can also do that if you are a teacher, student or a job person in Pakistan and earn a lot of money from AdSense