Earn from Facebook by Uploading Videos on Facebook Page

Earn from Facebook by Uploading Videos on Facebook Page

Can you want to earn money from Facebook? Still confuses that how I earn from Facebook, then you need to take time and read this super article about Facebook money making.

Few weeks before, Facebook introduces a new feature known as “Facebook Watch” which will help Facebook to go from a tech company to a media company. The founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg reject many times the idea that his company is a media company but right now from his behavior it shows that he is going to make a media company.

Facebook watch money text here

Facebook announces on his official blog that they are going to make a Video based template for people solely interested in Watching videos.

Facebook has over 2 billion user base with over 1.3 billion user log in every day through any Facebook product, keep in mind that Facebook is not just Facebook.com but it also own WhatsApp And instagram.

From this act, it seems that Facebook is going to compete with YouTube. However, it is not going to be an easy task for Facebook to compete with YouTube.

Facebook, on his blog post announces that they will pay 55% of Ad Revenue to the person who upload videos but keep in mind that they have more strict policies then that of YouTube.
Facebook says that they are investing in creating original productions of his own movies, for that they will pay $12,000 to $20,000 per episode. However, most of the marketing agencies say that this is a very low amount as compared to site traffic and investing.

Can Facebook ever beat YouTube?
This question is this time is not answerable because we do not know what Facebook future of videos production is and can people like there UI and UX. That is tough question at this time.
 One of the biggest factor is that YouTube start Share economy model early in 2006, but Facebook still don’t pay for people for using his site and for that reason YouTube has an upper hand on Facebook.

What if Facebook start its share economy model earlier?
Nothing could be said about this but the one thing that is very helpful is Facebook at least identifying his weak point over here.

Know, let see what will be the future of Facebook Monetization and what will be the factor that Facebook use for beating YouTube? An Important Question should be answered.