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Sidharth was her friend and he married her because he liked her and now he was leaving her and announcing her that they are going to live separately because she is simple and not up to the mark and doesn’t deserve him because he has a great personality and not boring like hers ; seemed quite weird to her. Madho decided that she is going to change for him and told him that they can live separately but he needs to give her one month and if he wants a divorce, he can decide about that after a month. She joined the aerobics classes on the very next day after leaving her boyfriend. Madho made her figure fit within twenty days, now she wanted to have a makeover.
Name: Madho Rani
City: New Delhi
Whatsapp: +91 79854897211
She took an appointment and left for the parlor on the twenty first day. She got her hair-do and all get her a skin facial. After going through all the changing processes and even getting her hair coloured, she came up with an entirely different look. She was looking stunning in the royal blue sari and it was then that she made up her mind that she is going to meet him today to know what his final decision about divorce now is.