Wonders of Medieval World & Seven Wonders of Ancient World

Seven Wonders of the Medieval World

Serial No.Seven Wonders of the Medieval World
1Colosseum of Rome
2Great Wall of China (Visible from moon also)
3Porcelain Tower of Nanking
4Stonehenge of England
5Mosque at St. Sophia (Constantinople)
6Catacombs of Alexandria
7Leaning Tower of Pisa

Seven Wonders of Ancient World

Serial No.Seven Wonders of Ancient World
1Hanging Gardens of Babylon
2Temple of Diana at Ephesus (Rome)
3Statue of Jupiter at Olympia
4Mausoleum of Mausolus (Ruler of Halicarnassus)
5Pyramids of Egypt
6Light House at Alexandria
7Colossus at Rhodes 912ft statue of Helos, The Sun God, stands at one side of the harbour