Second Year English Mr.Chips MCQ Test For Students

Total Marks: 50 Time 1: 30

Q.1 Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below. 7
Q.1 Choose the appropriate answer form the given choices. 8

1. Chips was not, despite his long years of assiduous teaching, a very profound classical scholar.
(a) hardworking (b) prolonged (c) idle (d) regular
2. Chips like to stroll across the playfields.
(a) coil (b) promenade (c) brisk walk (d) gentle walk
3. Nervous habits are not easy to uproot.
(a) eradicate (b) educate (c) regenerate (d)nourish
4. As a general thing, the boy wins in such controversies.
(a) conditions (b) situations (c) decisions (d) dispute
5. Your actions are not consistent---------------------your words.
(a) for (b) with(c) in (d) on
6. We must not be covetous-------------------wealth.
(a) for (b) at (c) on (d) to
7. His parents prevented him to marry her.
(a) His parents prevented him to marrying her. (b) His parents prevented him from marry her. (c) His parents prevented him from marrying her. (d) His parents prevented him of marrying her.
8. He is junior than me.
(a) He is junior than me.(b) He is more junior than me.(c) He is junior to me. (d) He is more junior to me.

Q.2 Answer the following questions. 8

1. Why is life not possible anywhere else in the universe except the earth?
2. What are some superstitions still common?
3. How did Wetherby’s advice help Mr. Chips in his career?
4. What sort of people get education at Brookfield?

Q.3 Use the following idioms and phrasal verbs in sentences. 4

Act on, A live wire

Q.4 Write an essay on any one of the following. 15

 Life in a Big City Village Life