Matric 10th Urdu Guess Paper 2017
Looking for the matric class 10 urdu Guess Paper? Here is the Matric 10th Urdu Guess Paper 2017
Guess 10th Urdu Khulasa (Asbaaq) Merza saeed, iiPrestan ki shahzadi,
iii Mulama,
iv chughal khor,
v.Nam deo mali,
iv. Astanbol
1.Chap.for kholasa:5,8,9,11,
2.Tefheemi ebaret:1,3,6,7,8,9,14,15. 3.Chapters for question:4,5,6,9,10,12,17, Nazam
Markzi khyal
i.mediane krbla,
ii Fatma