Inter Part 1 English Book III (God's Attributes) Exercises

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    • ##fa fa-bookmark##  Poem 16: God's Attributes
      • This chapter is from the 11th class English book 3 and it has been written by Jalaluddin Rumi. we have presented the important questions and main idea of this chapter for the intermediate (first year) fsc fa ics first year students.
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    • ##fa fa-info-circle##  Summary
      • In the poem God's Attributes the poet reflects on God's names. He believes that God's names are His attributes. These attributes have a great significance for for human beings. lf one consciously reflects on these names he can bring a positive change in his life.

How many attributes are mentioned in the poem?

In the poem 'God's Attributes' the poet mentions three different attributes of God.

What makes one scare of sinning?

Men of faith believe that God is 'Seeing'. This means that God is everywhere and knows what we are doing. Thus a believer is so fearful when he thinks of committing a sin.

What are the effects of the attributes of God?

The poem God's Attributes" reveals the significance of God's attributes for human beings. The poet believes that the attributes of God are not just titles. In fact they can contribute a lot in developing human character. To reinforce his point the poet gives some examples. He points out that seeing is one of the attributes of God. Likewise 'Hearing and 'Knowing are also God's titles. The poet believes that if we have a firm belief that god is 'All Seeing', 'All Hearing' and "All Knowing', we will think hundred times before doing an evil thing and using foul language. All these attributes restrict man from doing undesirable things. Hence God's Attributes are vital for us as they help us in developing sound and healthy personality.

Mention three more attributes of God.

God has many attributes. For example He is 'the Omnipotent' 'the Sustainer' and 'the Guide'.

How do God's attributes help in refining the character of a person?

God's attributes make a believer accountable to God. He tries his best to his thoughts and practices which make him a decent person. God is 'Hearing'.

What is the significance of this attribute?

Men of faith believe that God is "Hearing'. This means God hears whatever we say. This knowledge helps us in saying anything with a great sense of responsibility.

Do you think these attributes of God are remembered and kept in mind by us in our daily routine work?

True believers do remember God's attributes in their daily life. Sadly, the majority of us are not strong in faith, and therefore we do not always remember these attributes.

Write down a few sentences for each of the attributes of God with reference to their effects in ones personal life.

The poem "God's Attributes" reveals the significance of God's attributes for human beings. The poet believes that the attributes of God are not just titles. In fact they can contribute a lot in developing human character. To reinforce his point the poet gives some examples. He points out that 'Seeing is one of the attributes of God. Likewise 'Hearing' and 'Knowing' are also God's titles. The poet believes that if we have a firm belief that God is 'All Seeing', 'All Hearing and 'All Knowing', we will think hundred times before doing an evil thing and using foul language. All these attributes restrict man from doing undesirable things. Hence God's Attributes are vital for us, as they help us in developing sound and healthy personality.

What is the significance of God's attribute the 'Seeing'?

This attribute suggests that God sees everything and He sees everywhere. With this knowledge and belief that God sees each of our actions, we stop doing an evil thing.

What is the significance of God's attribute the 'Knowing'?

This attribute suggests that God knows everything. With this knowledge and belief that God knows both our actions and intentions we stop cherishing evil notions about other people.

Why can't a negro be called camphor?

A negro, is black, whereas camphor is a white stuff. They are opposite to each other so we cannot say that a negro is camphor.

Are God's names not merely accidental?

God's names are not accidental. They are meaningful and serve a definite purpose.

1st Year English Book