Happy New Year Unique Ideas SMS Messages Wishes Quotes Status Whatsapp/Facebook

Hey all... Happy New Year is knocking the door. hope you are searching now for Happy New Year Unique Ideas sms, wishes,whatsapp/facebook status,wallpaper, greetings card for your close friends, parents, relative or for the dearest one?

In this article we will provide you all latest Happy New Year SMS in English, messages, wishes and greetings for fiends and lover. New year Unique Ideas is about to come, reach out to all your friends, family and loved ones with our Happy New Year SMS, wishes and greetings to convey your warm wishes.Happy New year sms in English language to provide you best and latest new year sms messages collection in English . latest new year messages for those who you love and also for your friends and family.

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Happy New Year Unique Ideas SMS Messages Wishes Quotes

New ideas, innovations,unprecedented aspirations to inspire the world in future times is abound to you this year. Enjoy winning.....Happy New Year. :)

Like birds, let us, leave behind what we don’t need to carry… GRUDGES SADNESS PAIN FEAR and REGRETS. Life is beautiful, Enjoy it. HAPPY NEW YEAR Unique Ideas.

My wishes for you, Great start for Jan, Love for Feb, Peace for march, No worries for April, Fun for May, Joy for June to Nov, Happiness for Dec, Have a lucky and wonderful Unique Ideas.

May The Year 2015 Bring for You Happiness,Success and filled with Peace,Hope & Togetherness of your Family & Friends....Wishing You a...*HAPPY NEW YEAR* 

Renewal Of Friendship Contract Unique Ideas After Serious And Cautious Consideration, Your Contract Has Been Renewed For The Year 2014. So, try to be more LOVING and CARING next year. Take care of Me and Miss me. Because, It's Impossible To Find A Friend Who is 95% Ideal 96% Smart 97% Kind 98% True 99% TALENTED and 100% Lovable So, Don't lose Whom U Never Want To Lose. Wish you a Very Happy New Year!

New Year's eve is like every other night; there is no pause in the march of the universe, no breathless moment of silence among created things that the passage of another twelve months may be noted; and yet no man has quite the same thoughts this evening that come with the coming of darkness on other nights. Happy New Year Unique Ideas.

Dear Mom and Dad, Though I Don’t Often, Express in Words as How Much I Love U, But Today I Want To Thank U for The, Wonderful Gifts, Your Blessings and Above, All Showing me the Right way to Make My Life, More Beautiful.Thank You Very Much. Happy New Year Mom and Dad.

A happy New Year! Grant that I
May bring no tear to any eye
When this New Year in time shall end
Let it be said I've played the friend,
Have lived and loved and labored here,
And made of it a happy year. 

Oh my Dear, Forget ur Fear,
Let all ur Dreams be Clear,
Never put Tear, Please Hear,
I want to tell one thing in ur Ear
Wishing u a very “Happy NEW YEAR“!

Like birds, let us, leave behind what we don’t need to carry… 
Life is beautiful, Enjoy it. HAPPY NEW YEAR. :)

The Old Year has gone. Let the dead past bury its own dead. The New Year has taken possession of the clock of time. All hail the duties and possibilities of the coming twelve months! Happy New Year Unique Ideas.   

Each Moment in a Day Has its own Value, Morning Brings Hope, Afternoon Brings Faith, Evening Brings Love, Night Brings Rest, Hope you Will Have All Of Them Everyday. Happy New Year Unique Ideas.

Glory to God in highest heaven,
Who unto man His Son hath given;
While angels sing with tender mirth,
A glad new year to all the earth!

~Happy New Year Unique Ideas~

New Year brings just Happiness not Tear,
Everybody loves only You Dear,
All your Problems will be Finish......
It's for You my Special NEW YEAR'S wish. 

Memorable moment r celebrate together,
U r my best friend for now & forever,
Make me Miss U even more this New Year,
Hope this 2015 bring Happiness for you Dear.

When the mid-nite bell rings tonight...
Let it signify new and better things for you,
let it signify a realisation of all things you wish for,
Let it signify a year of courage and believes,
Wishing you a very...very...very prosperious Unique Ideas.

Fresh Air....
Fresh Idea....
Fresh Talent....
Fresh Energy....
I wish U to have a .....
Sweetest Sunday,
Marvellous Monday,
Tasty Tuesday,
Wonderful Wednesday,
Thankful Thursday,
Friendly Friday,
Successful Saturday.
Have a great Year.

HAPPY NEW YEAR Unique Ideas.

In 'The Universal Bank of God'...
God stores his blessings & deposited 365 days full of love,faith & happiness for you...
So,Enjoy spending...
Happy New Year Unique Ideas 

Nights are Dark but Days are Light,
Wish your Life will always be Bright.
So my Dear don't get Fear
Coz, God Gift us a "BRAND NEW YEAR".
*HAPPY NEW YEAR Unique Ideas* 


With all the Rose's Perfume & with all the lights in the world & with all the children's Smiles...I Wish U that ur all dreams comes True..*HAPPY NEW YEAR*

Wishing u 12 months of happiness, 52 weeks of fun, 365 days of laughter, 8760 hours of good luck, 525600 mins of joy, 31536000 seconds of success " @-Happy New Year

New Year is the time to unfold new horizons & realize new dreams, to rediscover the strength & faith within u, to rejoice in simple pleasures & gear up 4 a new challenges. Wishing you a truly fulfilling Unique Ideas!

My wishes for you, Great start for Jan, Love for Feb, Peace for march, No worries for April, Fun for May, Joy for June to Nov,Happiness for Dec,Have a lucky and wonderful Unique Ideas.

Mom & Dad…. Thank you for Bringing Me in Your Life and Always Neglecting My Mistakes & Still Supporting Me in Whatever i Do. Love You Always. Happy New Year My Lovely Parents.

Oh My Dear, Forget Ur Fear, Let All Ur Dreams Be Clear, Never Put Tear, Please Hear, I Want to Tell One Thing in ur Ear Wishing u a Very “Happy New Year.

My family and friends, I wish that this new year ahead, throws at you much happiness, health, work and success in their life projects. HAPPY NEW YEAR Unique Ideas.

I hope it's better for you this year ... achieve all your goals, they can continue sharing time with family and friends with sincere people and I wish you a blessed Unique Ideas Happy New Year. 

May this new year be in good health, happiness and affection of those around you. Have a happy new year and you obtain all the happiness you crave.

On dates like this, only my memory are the most beautiful moments, so I thought of you. Hope you have a happy new year with your family.

I feel this year the days passed very fast, I feel that happened because I made ​​so many activities that would never have believed do, happy new year. 

End of year 2014, a good time to reflect on what We live like and what we expect for the year 2015. Happy New Year and best wishes and warm embraces.

I hope you receive the new year with a big celebration and with the man who much love. Happy new year, friend.

Long ago we did not spend the New Year together, but that does not matter because I know you will enjoy yourself with the love of your life. Happy New Year.

I want to make you a happy new year, today I had this and I was glad because a part of my life you were you present. 

You must never cross your arms resigning because life can surprise you, happy new year to everyone. 

Happy new year to all. If you think you've gone too far I do not ever turn back. I wish you a year with great courage and energy to continue the daily struggle to live by your own being and your family. 

In the year ahead, I wish with all my heart that never miss the energy to fight for the difficulties will occur, have a positive attitude in life and live each day as if it were your last. Have a very positive new year. 

If you want a better world not leave that task to others is your part of the change, takes to start a new year to begin now. Happy New Year to all, to the future that lies ahead is much better.

Happy New Year. I just hope that God will guide each step you take in life and never give up when you try to fight for your dreams. I love you, friend. 

I feel a great sorrow to dismiss this year because it was one of the best in life, because I did things that I never imagined doing and met wonderful people like you.You spend a happy new year. 

I sincerely hope that through a happy new year and may all your goals are realized.Remember that you have bad moments in life, it is important to overcome and never look back.

God is always with his outstretched hand and hold me hold you and pointing out the right path ... They are my best wishes for the new year and love reigns, prosperity at home. 

I would spend the year you again as we used to always do. But it is impossible because we are thousands of kilometers separate us. However, I sincerely hope that you spend a happy new year. May you always have in your thoughts as I do.

You are my world without you would not exist, you give joy to my soul, enthusiasm and passion to our morning toast to a new year full of happiness and love, like the present, Happy New Year ! my treasure!   

May this new year find the right man, because all they deserve someone as good as you, is good love. Happy new year, my friend. 

In the coming year, for my friends, colleagues, comrades, acquaintances, longing realizing their deepest desires and year goals , and maturity to understand that what we can not achieve , have some objective individual who teach in our lives. 

May all your dreams and goals are fulfilled in the new year, but if your happiness depends on my friend, consider yourself the happiest person in the world. Happy New Year Unique Ideas.

I hope the new year will bring many joys, but please do not change, because then you're perfect.Happy New Year Unique Ideas. 

May God allows you to have a new year with health, work and love. Receive new year with joy, because I'm sure it will be your year. Happy New Year Unique Ideas.

I hope the new year will bring many joys, but please do not change, because then you're perfect. Happy New Year Unique Ideas.

Thank you today the year just became one of my best years, your advice was crucial for me to achieve my goals and that we will never forget, happy new year my friend. 

In many of my days my troubles seemed unsustainable but always you all were holding with me, giving me strength and courage to move forward I think super friend and I wish from the bottom of my heart a very happy new year.

May God bless to each of you, to pour thousand blessings and protection in their lives and projects that the year ended has been of great experiences in your life, and what they learned this year, help us to be better people and us growth as human beings to face any difficulty that comes our way in the future.

Before I knew was a hopeless man to be your friend changed my way of thinking helped me change my life, to find my horizon and today I can finally say that I knew the happiness, peace and above all love will consider my best friend, happy new year full of success for you. 

I want a new mathematical year: Adding all kinds of pleasures, pains subtracting, multiplying dividing happiness i love with all your loved ones, Happy New Year dear friends !!

Let the rain of happiness grip you with a broken umbrella, soak and splash you all who are around. Happy New Year Unique Ideas !! 

In life it changes from year but not friends.. hope our friendship last forever. Happy New Year Unique Ideas!

If you want a year of prosperity, plant wheat.If you want ten years of prosperity, plant fruit trees. If you want a life of prosperity, plant friends.I wish you sow many friends 2015 Happy New Year Unique Ideas.

I wish you 65 days of love, 129 lucky days and 171 days of happiness! Happy New Year Unique Ideas. 

For all, congratulations for this Unique Ideas that the Love is the first to enter his house, health and work are behind each and every one of us has much love, Happy New Year dear friends!

This sentence is a box filled with joy peace, lovingly wrapped, sealed with a smile and sent with a kiss. Happy New Year!

I just want you both everything and nothing: Whatever makes you happy and make you suffer Nada Happy New Year Unique Ideas !!!

I want peace kidnap your life, love flood your soul and happiness reflected in your face, you desire, heart everything good that you deserve. Happy New Year!

Dear friend, if you receive this sms is because the light that guides you is close to mine. Hopefully these lights never separate. Wholeheartedly merry christmas and a happy new year.

May the strength of the soul ... enlighten your mind of wisdom, love heart ... watered your body joy, the feeling ... radiate tenderness your family, to love is your passion ... infinite look, that understanding ... is the gift your humility, a cuddle ... is the expression of saying "I love you" ... These are my wishes in this coming year Unique Ideas!

Time is relative. It may seem like a new year begins today, we started all over again but it is not.Actually we started all over again every day. Remember that when passing through difficult seasons. Tomorrow you will have another chance to make things right, to be happy.
Today is seen with different eyes by all. You start the year with new courage and new dreams.That emotion will last a few days, keep it throughout the year and make every day special.
Although we have 365 days ahead to make my dreams come true, I will not wait sitting happening. I will fight for them and get. I will make every day worth living it and use every opportunity that life gives me. 
A new year dawns and with it all our ideals and hopes. We leave the world wanting to conquer it, look at the problems as they are solvable problems. Let us not be discouraged by difficult situations. It is  new year, Happy New Year Unique Ideas! 
My wish for everyone in this new beginning is that all the good we have dreamed the past year is met this year it presented full of adventure and excitement. Let's begin this year on the right foot with all the optimism that is in our hearts.
This year again, we leave behind the bad attitudes, grudges and old habits that hold us back only. It's time to change and take advantage of the new opportunity that gives us life to start again.
I can only wish all I know is a beginning full of hope, love and peace year. This year allows them to meet all their goals in his heart and never fails to get discouraged. 
I hope this new year will be the beginning of new adventures and joys, we can live together new emotions and our dreams come true. Happy New Year Unique Ideas!
A new year begins and I am thrilled that so many dreams to fulfill. I will strive and work hard to achieve them. I will not have any problems beat me. This year will be different. 
The 365 opportunities that lie ahead are to take advantage. We do not waste it and see life differently. We have 365 opportunities to be happy, to change everything.
It's easy to have dreams, you can imagine comply, but only the brave dare to act, to try to make those dreams come true. Be a brave this year, lives and want to live and fulfill your mission in life.  
I I wish happiness 12 months, 52 weeks of serenity, 365 days of love , Fortune 8760 hours, 525,600 minutes Event, 31.536 million seconds of friendship ... Happy new year friend of mine!

If life gives you a thousand reasons to mourn, It shows that you have a thousand and one to dream. Make your life a dream and your dream a reality. Happy new year Unique Ideas.

Smile, today begins a new era for both and we must seize it. May your wishes come true this new year. Happy New Year. 

I hope that this year you obtain all you wish for because you deserve it. You spend a happy new year.

Happy New Year friend. I promise that this year will be better than it is to leave. So say goodbye to your bad luck. A new life begins for us. I love you.

Friend smiles because everything bad finally ended. This year will be much better, so be happy. You spend a new year full of joy. 

To my best friend with love, this New Year approve all materials, know true love and bathe every day. Happy new year friend. 

May this new year all my friends achieve their goals, realize their desires and be happy every day. I love them. Happy New Year. 

To each morning watching the positive outlook they have a prosperous new year. Happy New Year. 

My real desire is that you spend a happy new year, despite spending very bad times, never turn around to look back. 

From the bottom of my heart out every word I wrote to assemble this year greeting new, friendly happy my new year, I will have with me forever. 

I understand that a behaviour is worth more than a million words, I think a little wave of New Year can give an infinite happiness to the life of a human being.

For a moment I thought that conflicts I went through this year never end up but when he ran the new year, new year, new life, everything is transformed. 

I hope you're well and that the new year comes to you with ymuchas want happiness, today starts a new cycle for all, happy new year. 

Bad times you experienced this year will end with the year to be, and notice that this new year will hopefully happy new year friend.

There are many reasons to celebrate the new year but the most important among all is to improve our lives, happy new year. 

I want for you and your family a wonderful new year, let's start this year with much happiness and finally culminate smiling joy. 

I wish you a happy new year, it is a genuine desire for a friend who wants the best for you, have fun and enjoy it very much. 

Dear friend, I want for you with all my heart a happy new year, I have the certainty This year a love come into your life and you will have much happiness.

If the old year has not been able to achieve your goals, you lose nothing by trying again. Have a happy girlfriend year. Disillusionment not you off to fight for what you propose. 

This New Year maintain the enthusiasm and faith that we will achieve what we set out. Have a new year full of successes and satisfactions.

It is not enough to close your eyes and make a wish for each month of the year. You need to put all your effort to achieve your goals. May this new year bring to your life good health, happiness and eager to continue fighting for your ideals. Happy New Year!  

I wish for you much happiness and good things as well for you as many stars shine in the sky. Sister Happy New Year!

Today we have the opportunity to dismiss the year and will celebrate a year to come. Have a better new year and always keep being such a good friend. Happy New Year! 

Every day we dream of a world of peace and harmony which govern love and hope. All the best in your life and never lose the will to live.

Past mistakes can be remedied, every day is a new beginning and it's your responsibility to change what you do not like. This presents new year full of changes and I hope that you know to use them. Life is one and it is your duty to live well. 
Happy New Year to all! I hope you have great days ahead and the courage to carry out his plans to accompany them.
Before the year ends express the happiness I feel to have had the support of my loved ones, each of them wish you a happy Unique Ideas.
Life still has many beautiful surprises for you, let everything negative in the past and have faith that this Unique Ideas will be one of the best years of your life.
The 2015 was a year that will never forget and I learned lessons that will serve me for life, this Unique Ideas will continue looking for my dreams, happy new year to all. 
No one knows what may happen in the future but if we do things at heart will surely get far, all my loved ones, I wish you a happy and prosperous Unique Ideas. 
Success is not something that falls from the sky, it's something to take care of every day, I hope that Unique Ideas will be an excellent year in our lives.
The beauty of life is to meet the challenges that puts us fate and be happy with the people who love us, I wish all my friends with a Unique Ideas full of love, peace and immense joy.
Past mistakes can not stop our dreams come true, whether suffered or shed floods of tears, this life will smile Unique Ideas.
Everyone has something that makes it unique and special, as the years pass in this world, I wish everyone a fantastic Unique Ideas.
You're the one who decides what is best for your life and what path to follow for success, happy Unique Ideas and God bless.
Believe in yourself and be the best of all, remember that everything is possible and even if they have days full of darkness at the end always comes the sun, happy Unique Ideas to all.
I sincerely hope that this new year all its objectives are met and that with their loved ones enjoy beautiful moments, happy Unique Ideas.
The year consists of 365 days, the 24-hour day, but life consists of small seconds of happiness. It recog jealousy and enjoy them. Happy New Year to all of you!  
The new year offers new challenges and new hopes. Fill your life with new joys and surround yourself with only people who love you well. Happy new year with all my heart.

Click here to see- Happy Friendship Day 2016 SMS Messages

Happy New Year Unique Ideas Messages in Hindi

इस साल आपके घर खुशियों की हो धमाल

दौलत की ना हो कमी आप हो जायें मलामाल

हसते मुस्कुराते रहो ऐसा हो सबका हाल

तहे दिल से मुबारक हो आपको नया साल

Happy New Year! 

IS Saal Aapke Ghar Khushiyoon Ki Ho Dhamaal

Daulat ki Na Ho Kami, AAp Ho Jayein Malamaal

Haste Muskurate Raho Aisa Ho Sabka Haal

Tah e Dil se Mubarak ho Aapko Naya Saal

आरंभ का अंत हो जाना नया साल है!

गिनती का नंबर बदल जाना नया साल है !

वर्तमान का इतिहास बन जाना नया साल है !

उदये होते हुये सूरज का ढल जाना नया साल है !

खिल के फूल का डाल से उतर जाना नया साल है !

दे के जनम मां का आंचल ममता से भर जाना नया साल है !

एक दर्द भूल कर सुख को पेहचान जाना नया साल है !

नये साल की हार्दिक शुभकामनायें.

Kaash Khusiyoon Ki Bhi Ek Dukan Hoti

Aur Usme Hamari Pehchan Hoti

Le lete Aapke Liye Sari Khusiyaan

Chahe Unki Qeemat Hamari Jaan Hoti!

Happy New Year Unique Ideas.

आरंभ का अंत हो जाना नया साल है!

गिनती का नंबर बदल जाना नया साल है !

वर्तमान का इतिहास बन जाना नया साल है !

उदये होते हुये सूरज का ढल जाना नया साल है !

खिल के फूल का डाल से उतर जाना नया साल है !

दे के जनम मां का आंचल ममता से भर जाना नया साल है !

एक दर्द भूल कर सुख को पेहचान जाना नया साल है !

नये साल की हार्दिक शुभकामनायें - See more at: http://happynewyearimages2015.in/2014/12/new-year-shayari/#sthash.tcvNLRYr.dpuf

इस साल आपके घर खुशियों की हो धमाल

दौलत की ना हो कमी आप हो जायें मलामाल

हसते मुस्कुराते रहो ऐसा हो सबका हाल

तहे दिल से मुबारक हो आपको नया साल

Happy New Year! 

IS Saal Aapke Ghar Khushiyoon Ki Ho Dhamaal

Daulat ki Na Ho Kami, AAp Ho Jayein Malamaal

Haste Muskurate Raho Aisa Ho Sabka Haal

Tah e Dil se Mubarak ho Aapko Naya Saal

- See more at: http://happynewyearimages2015.in/2014/12/new-year-shayari/#sthash.tcvNLRYr.dpuf

इस साल आपके घर खुशियों की हो धमाल

दौलत की ना हो कमी आप हो जायें मलामाल

हसते मुस्कुराते रहो ऐसा हो सबका हाल

तहे दिल से मुबारक हो आपको नया साल

Happy New Year! 

IS Saal Aapke Ghar Khushiyoon Ki Ho Dhamaal

Daulat ki Na Ho Kami, AAp Ho Jayein Malamaal

Haste Muskurate Raho Aisa Ho Sabka Haal

Tah e Dil se Mubarak ho Aapko Naya Saal

- See more at: http://happynewyearimages2015.in/2014/12/new-year-shayari/#sthash.tcvNLRYr.dpuf

Aarambh ka Ant Ho Jana Naya Saal Hai 

Ginti Ka Number badal jana naya saal hai 

Vartaman ka Itihaas ban jana naya saal hai 

Uday hote hue sooraj ka dhal jana naya saal hai 

Khil ke fool ka daal se utar jana naya saal hai 

De ke janm maan ka aanchal mamta se bhar dena naya saal hai 

Ek dard bhool kar sukh ko pehchan jana naya saal hai 

Happy New Year Friends.

सोचा किसी अपने से बात करे

अपने किसी को याद करे.

किया जो फैसला नए साल की मुबारकबाद देने का

दिल ने कहा क्यों न शुरुआत आपसे करे.

Socha Kisi Apne Se baat Karein

Apne Kisi ko Yad Karein

Kiya Jo Faisala Naye Saal Ki Mubarakbad Dene Ka

Dil Ne Kaha Kyu na Shuruaat Apse Karein

भूल जाओ बीते हुए कल को

दिल में बसा लो आने वाले कल को.

मुस्कुराओ चाहे जो भी हो पल

खुशियाँ लेकर आयेगा आने वाला कल ।

नए साल की शुभकामनाये ।

Bhool Jao Beete Hue Kal ko

Dil Mein Basa Lo Aapne Wale Kal ko

Muskurao Chahe Jo Bhi HO Pal

Khushiyaan Le Kar Aaega Aane Wala Kal

Is saal aapke ghar khusiyo ki ho dhamaal

Daulat ki Na ho kami aap ho jaye malamaal

Haste muskurate raho aisa ho sabka haal

Tahe Dil se Mubarak ho aapko naya saal

Happy New Year! 

खुदा करे के नया साल आपको रास जाए

जिसे आप चाहते हो वो आपके पास जाये,

आप सारा साल कंवारे रहे.

आपका रिश्ता ले कर आपकी सास जाए

 नए साल कि शुभकामनाये

Iss Naye Saal my .. 

Jo Chahe your woh tera ho, 

Har din aur khubsoorat Ratain roshan ho 

rahe Kamiyabi chumte Hamesha yaar tere Kadam, 

Naya Saal Mubarak tuje mere Yaar ho ...

Din Beeta Andhera Hua, 

Suiya Sarkane Ghadi Ki Lagi, 

Naya Saal Aate Hello, 

Aapke Ghar Khusiya Barsane Lagi, 

Ke Naye Varsh Subh Avsar Par 

Dil Se Dua Hajar Milla, 

Mujhe Tum Milo Miliniyam, 

Mujhko Mile Pyar Tumhara ...

Iss Naye Saal my .. 

Jo Chahe your woh tera ho, 

Har din aur khubsoorat Ratain roshan ho 

rahe Kamiyabi chumte Hamesha yaar tere Kadam, 

Naya Saal Mubarak tuje mere Yaar ho ...

Best Happy New Year Unique Ideas Quotes

"What the new year brings to you will depend on a
large extent on what you bring to the New Year ".

Another year has passed, another year has come. I wish for you,

that with each year that touch your dreams. May God pour love and care for you,

Happy New Year !

"God gives you ..,

12 months of Happiness,

52 Weeks of Fun,

Success 365 days,

8760 hours good health,

Good Luck 52600 Minutes,

Seconds 3,153,600 Joy..and That's it! "

"Many years ago I never met bother with

New Year's resolutions, and I've stuck with it ever since. "
The new year, as a child heir to the whole world, he was expected with welcome gifts, and rejoicing.
"May the spirit of the season, New Year fill your heart with calm and peace, I wish you a happy new year! "
Hopefully this year has minor disasters, less hatred, accidents and a lot of love Children, Happy New Year Unique Ideas.
"Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin. "

A new year brings a lot of expectations 

that is the result of optimism. can your Unique Ideas

is no different and may usher in an era of sound
That Unique Ideas be like a blank book that is waiting for your intervention to fill its 365 pages with every color under the sun so it is a vibrant addition to your life.

When the New Year arrives, bringing new ideas and hopes for us to make our life good to better and better and better. Happy New Year Unique Ideas!

Sincere wishes for hope, happiness

and peace during this holiday season

and throughout the coming year.
The end of the year brings greater joy than the opportunity to express the greetings of the season and good wishes. Your holiday and New Year filled with joy. Happy New Year!

From this day, as I will not be the same person who has been through in recent years ,.

I promise to change for the better so that I can let you feel more loved and more each day.

"There is very little that I can ask God for this

New Year as he kindly sent me the best gift possible and - you! "

You are God's gift to me.

In fact, you are the favorite among the many gifts I had.

I'm grateful you're still with me as we welcome the New Year to come.

Genuine success comes only to those who are ready for it. So never take a step back and always have the courage to accept new challenges. I wish you a very happy new year Unique Ideas.
It comes every year, it is every year, you get everything in the new year Who wants your heart. Happy New Year.

Where do you want to fly from there to all levels , all the same people who follow my dear

Always be clear to all the way ..., God gives you a new year of Jackass !! Happy New Year.
"Victoria" for whom "losing" to whom these 'altercation' "life" Who, What also came "she" will "one day again so that" I "to that! 
When the sun and the winds of time or speed, Never lose some counts, Please remember that the eyes are smiling, are not far away and .. !!
How are these messages? We have tried our best to collect all these sms from allover the web. Hope you will find the perfect one for you. We love to hear about Happy New Year from you. Just do leave a comment below the box. Please share this article with your friends via facebook, twitter or google plus if you really like it. Stay connected to for more informations. 

इस साल आपके घर खुशियों की हो धमाल
दौलत की ना हो कमी आप हो जायें मलामाल
हसते मुस्कुराते रहो ऐसा हो सबका हाल
तहे दिल से मुबारक हो आपको नया साल
Happy New Year! 
IS Saal Aapke Ghar Khushiyoon Ki Ho Dhamaal
Daulat ki Na Ho Kami, AAp Ho Jayein Malamaal
Haste Muskurate Raho Aisa Ho Sabka Haal
Tah e Dil se Mubarak ho Aapko Naya Saal
- See more at: http://happynewyearimages2015.in/2014/12/new-year-shayari/#sthash.tcvNLRYr.dpuf