PM Youth Internship Training Scheme 2017 Bank Account And Placement Setup

PM Youth Internship Training Scheme 2016  Bank Account And Placement Setup

Dear Applicant

Prime Minister youth Training Scheme has been launched the selected Candidate list and sent to applicant Mobile number.


  1. First of all when  you received a message from PMYTS on your MOBILE Number  Like Congratulation you have been selected for ONE- YEAR Internship Program Under the Prime Minister Youth Training Scheme.For Further detail regarding your Internship Position and Placement, Latter Please checks your Email and Login to Monitoring  NIP Website
  2. National Internship Program
  3. After this visit your Email Account 
  4. You received an email from,pk
  5. Open it and see like below statement
  6. Dear Intern,

    You have been selected for the one-year internship under Prime Minister’s Youth Training Scheme. Kindly visit the link using your User ID and Password is given below and download your Placement Letter and Contract Letter for joining your place of internship. You are furthermore required to submit the prescribed online National Bank form available on the portal for the opening of your bank account in National Bank of Pakistan for stipend disbursement.
  7. In this email you can get your USER ID And Password for Signing in to NIP Website
  8. Enter your user Id And Password then click Sign In.
  9. After Logon to NIP Homepage Shown as

  11. Instruction:    You Can See Menu Bar 5 Button to Complete your process of joining Intern and Bank Account of National Bank of Pakistan.Name Menu Bar Buttons. Bank Account Form (1) Submit Feedback (2) Assessment history (3) Support Center (4) Change Password (5)

1.Bank Account Form 

Please Provide All Personal Details like
  1. Your name
  2. Father Name
  3. Mother Name
  4. CNIC
  5. Mobile Number
  6. Next Of Kin
  7. Kin Details
  8. After this Click On Submit
PM Youth Internship Training Scheme 2016  Bank Account And Placement Setup

Note: Please Provide Original Personal Details for Activation of a bank account.

2.Submit Feed Back

Shown As:

PM Youth Internship Training Scheme 2016  Bank Account And Placement Setup

  3. Assessment History

In this menu, Page details show after the go to the next Button.

4. Support Center

Shown as Below

PM Youth Internship Training Scheme 2016  Bank Account And Placement Setup

In this page, you can submit  your Problems from Organization or any other

like :

  1. Stipend Issue
  2. Web  Portal Issue
  3. Panel Issue 
  4. relocation request
  5. other
5. Password reset

PM Youth Internship Training Scheme 2016  Bank Account And Placement Setup

In this page Change Your Password
1. Username
 It is provided by PM Youth Program to your email Address
2. Old Password 
It's provided by PM Youth Program to your email Address copy or type your code in old password box
3. New Password
You Can create your own password which is used to next time login.
4. Confirm Password
Type again your new password in  confirm box.

For More Details: