May 13 – Crouton Day

Posted on May 13, 2016

Like some other “bread” words, including baguette, brioche, biscuit, crepe, and croissant, the word croutoncomes to the English language from French. The word specifically comes from the French word for “crust.”

And just like “French bread” and “French toast,” what a delicious acquisition for our language!

Croutons are pieces of bread that are often seasoned and then sautéed or rebaked in oil or butter. Sometimes croutons are smallish jagged hunks of bread, and sometimes they are cubes. They can be added to soups or salads – and of course they can be munched as a snack food.

To celebrate Crouton Day, learn how to make your own fresh and delicious croutons...

Or use store-bought, unseasoned croutons to make bread pudding...

Or taste-test several brands of seasoned croutons on salad.

Also on this date:

Fintastic Friday: Giving Sharks a Voice

Doctor and inventor Georgios Papanikolaou 

Polymath Ole Worm's birthday

Anniversary of the discovery of the Great Comet of 1861

Frog Jumping Day

Anniversary of the invention of table knives

Paleontologist George Washington Cuvier's birthday

Plan ahead:

Check out my Pinterest boards for:
  • May holidays 
  • May birthdays 
  • Historical anniversaries in May
And here are my Pinterest boards for:
  • June holidays
  • June birthdays
  • Historical anniversaries in June