Posted on March 30, 2016
Today is set aside to honor and thank doctors!
These members of the community get far more education and training than most of us – including ongoing training. The perception that doctors are extremely well paid can be misleading – because most doctors get their first job almost a decade after their peers and have a tremendous amount of student debt!
Hereis an infographic that talks about “the deceptive salary of doctors.”
They do such important – vital! – work, we want to make sure that they feel valued. Hopefully the actions taken today can help doctors realize that we know how important they are!
March 30 was chosen as Doctors Day because on this date in 1842, the first ether anesthetic was used in surgery. Eudora Brown Almond, a doctor's wife living in Winder, Georgia, pushed for Doctors Day to be observed. On this date in 1933 she mailed greeting cards to local doctors and she put flowers on the graves of deceased doctors. Ever since then the holiday has been growing. By 1991, President George Bush proclaimed the holiday.
I think a nice bouquet of carnations, homemade baked goods, handmade cards – all would be appreciated by your doctor, today or any day!
Here are some ideas to inspire your own cards:
Also on this date:

Seward's Day

Shouter Baptist Liberation Day in Trinidad and Tobago

Anniversary of the invention of the pencil-eraser

Artist Francisco Goya's birthday

Artist Vincent Van Gogh's birthday

Anniversary of the purchase of Alaska
Plan ahead:
- March holidays
- March birthdays
- Historical anniversaries in March
And here are my Pinterest boards for:
- April holidays
- April birthdays
- Historical anniversaries in April