Computer Studies 100% Guess Paper 2018 for 9th Class
PakStudyPortal is a very important source for Pakistani students in all aspects. In this post, I am sharing the Most Important Questions of Computer Studies for 9th Class. Here you can get Class 9th Computer Important Long and Short Questions that are mostly repeated in Board Exams, These Important Computer Studies Questions for 9th Class are based on Punjab text board. Every student who are studying in any Punjab Board, can prepare this guess paper of computer studies for class 9th to get good marks in paper.
Latest Guess Paper of Computer Studies for 9th Class (Important Short and Long Questions of Computer for 9th Class in Board Exams):-
(Computer Studies Guess Paper 9th Class 2018)
I hope this list of Important Questions 9th Class Computer Studies will be helpful to score high marks in board exams. I suggest you, please prepare only this guess paper of computer studies if you can't to do all. Practicing on these important short and long questions of computer for matric part 1, 9th class will be helpful for your board exams. Latest Guess Paper of Computer Studies for 9th Class (Important Short and Long Questions of Computer for 9th Class in Board Exams):-
Short Questions: .Charlas babbage,e.d.c,simulation,lisp,interpreter compiler,input & system unit,cpu,video controller,main memory,sram,dram.prom,eprom,eeprom,seek time,data rate,high&low level formating,numeric&alphabetic data,asci,ebcdic,and,or gate,minterm,maxterm,kmap,os,os functions,famouse os names, language translator,dos commands(dir,,attrib,path,prompt,type,copy,delete),disk drive,file extension,task bar,multitasking,hardware compatibility,virus,antivirus…
Long Questions: 3,4 generation, types of computer, buses, port, printers, plotter, input devices, note on number system, conversions, 1's and 2's complement, computer code, k map, truth table, page 94 to 97 and demorgen laws...
You can prepare this guess paper also:
USB ports, input unit,Voice Recognizer, Types of computer, Types of ports, Printer and plotter,
Super computer, Types of printer, Serial and parallel ports, Pocket computer, ABACUS,Data and information,Multitasking, Icon and shortcut, Number system, Windows explorer, Method of 2's and 1's compliment,Extension file, Hard drive and floppy drive, Seek time, Application software,DEL
Long Questions: Main frame computer and minicomputer, DOS
files, RAM, Computer generations, works of mouse, data and address bus,Boolean constants,
language translators, features of windows, Computer code, internal. external command.
Long Questions: 3,4 generation, types of computer, buses, port, printers, plotter, input devices, note on number system, conversions, 1's and 2's complement, computer code, k map, truth table, page 94 to 97 and demorgen laws...
You can prepare this guess paper also:
USB ports, input unit,Voice Recognizer, Types of computer, Types of ports, Printer and plotter,
Super computer, Types of printer, Serial and parallel ports, Pocket computer, ABACUS,Data and information,Multitasking, Icon and shortcut, Number system, Windows explorer, Method of 2's and 1's compliment,Extension file, Hard drive and floppy drive, Seek time, Application software,DEL
Long Questions: Main frame computer and minicomputer, DOS
files, RAM, Computer generations, works of mouse, data and address bus,Boolean constants,
language translators, features of windows, Computer code, internal. external command.
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