Solved Assighnments
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Course: Databases-I (3410) Semester: Autumn 2015
Level: Associate Degree in Commerce Total Marks: 100
Pass Marks: 50
(Unit 1–4)
Note: All questions are compulsory. Each question carries equal marks.
Q-1 a) What is meant by database? define and explain it with the help of proper examples
b) briefly explain the different types of database with the help of suitable examples
Q. 2 What are important factors in selecting a file organization? Give a brief discussion on important file organization?
important file organization
important file organization
Q. 3 The figure below shows a class list for AIOU. Convert this user view to a set of 3NF relations. Assume the following: (20)
a) An instructor has a unique location.
b) A student has a unique major.
c) A course has a unique title.
- Allama Iqbal Open UniversityClass List – Spring 2015Course Code: 1431Course Title: Fundamental of ComputersInstructor Name: D.EFInstructor Location: A-0002Student IDStudent NameMajorGrade25210AASE01A+23735BCDF02B+27265CDSE03C+27399DEDB04D+............
Q. 4 a) What do you meant by referential integrity? Give the basic rules for insertion and deletion that assure referential integrity. (10)
b) What are the major differences between primary key & foreign key? Explain it in detail with the help of suitable examples. (10)
Q. 5 Write short notes on the following terms:
a) 3NF (05)
b) Gerund (05)
c) Symbols (05)
d) Subtypes (05)
(Unit 5–8)
Total Marks: 100 Pass Marks: 50
Note: All questions are compulsory. Each question carries equal marks.
Q. 1 a) Define logical database model. What are its types? Explain it in detail with the help of suitable examples. (10)
Ans types
(1) physiacal data model
(2) conceptual data model
Ans types
(1) physiacal data model
(2) conceptual data model
b) Define physical database design. Explain its main components and major objectives in detail. (10)
Q. 2 a) Write down steps to create a simple form application to maintaininformation of employees of a company. (10)
b) Explain briefly the four basic components of a report. (10)
Q. 3 What do you mean by a report object navigator and object type? Give list of different report object types and their description. (20)
Q. 4 a) What is meant by a form object type? Give list of differentobject types and their description. (10)
b) Explainsome of the important SQL functions with the help of examples. (10)
Q. 5 Write short notes on the following terms: (20)
a) Layout Editor
b) Object Navigator
c) Form Components
d) Conceptual Design
3410 Database-I
Credit Hours: 4 (3 +1)
Recommended Book:
Modern Data Base Management by Jeffery A. Hoffer and Oracle Developer/ 2000
Course Outlines:
Unit–1 Database Foundation
Introduction, Data and Information, Components, Advantages, Data Association, Entities, Keys and Its Types, Attributes, Data Associations, Data Structure Diagram
Unit–2 E-R Model
Basic Constructs (Symbols), Degree of Relationships, Cardinality, Gerund, Modeling Time Dependent Data, Super Types, Subtypes
Unit–3 Data Models
Hierarchical, Network, Relational, Comparison of All Data Models, Relation, Characteristics of Relation, Converting E-R Model into Relation
Unit–4 Normalization
1NF, 2NF, 3NF
Unit–5 Data Base Design
Conceptual Design, Physical Design
Unit–6 SQL Introduction
Introduction, Creating, Altering & Deleting Table, Inserting, Updating, & Deleting Rows, Querying The Tables, SQL Functions (Arithmetic, Group (Avg, Count, Max, Min, Sum), Date, Special Functions (In, Between, Like, Null)), Managing Multiple Tables
Unit–7 Introduction to Forms
Form Components, Form Module, Blocks, Items, Objects, Object Navigator, Properties Window, Layout Editor
Unit–8 Basic Form Design
Using Wizard for Form Design, Customizing a Form, Defining Items (Buttons, Check Boxes, Display Items, List Items, Radio Groups, Text Items), Creating LOV, Creating Master Detail Form
Unit–9 Introduction to Report
Report Design Considerations, Report Objects, Basic Report Design.