Skimlinks - Best Adsense Alternatives for 2015

Skimlinks are relatively new and have been in operation since 2008. They are an award winning company with accolades from a4uAwards, New Media Age and from the Smarta100 team as well. Skimlinks affiliate marketing saves you time and is plain simple to use. Read on to find out how they can simplify making money with your website and why we consider Skimlinks a valid adsense alternative.

How Does Skimlinks Operate?

Skimlinks have over 18,000 online merchants who’s products you can link to and earn money from selling on your site. The beauty of Skimlinks is that you don’t have to waste your time joining the affiliate program for each company or sourcing the affiliate links. Each product link you add to your site from one of Skimlinks’ list of merchants automatically becomes an affiliate link. If you don’t think you link to enough products on your site you can take advantage of their Skimwords campaign. This uses words within your content to link to related products as an affiliate link.

Skimlinks review picSkimlinks Review

  • No need to sign up with many different affiliate networks.
  • No need to waste time converting product links into affiliate links.
  • Having all of your affiliate links from one company means that you only have the one reporting system to use.
  • It is easier and faster to reach your minimum payout amount as all payments from each affiliate are rolled into one and paid via Skimlinks.
  • Skimlinks have Ebay and Amazon as part of their affiliate network, the links used in your content will be region specific to the reader.

  • The Skimlinks javascript can slow down loading time on your site.
  • Skimwords is not effective for all niches, it works best with automotive, fashion, beauty, lifestyle, consumer technology and electronics.
  • Skimlinks take part of your commisions this can be up to 25% with some merchants.
  • Skimlinks review each website before you can insert the code on the site.

Skimlinks vs Adsense

Skimlinks is completely different from Adsense. The two ad networks work great together as a way to monetize your website. By using Skimlinks your site won’t look like it is covered in ads but will have great product recommendations that appear to be normal links to a merchant’s site. Adsense has the advantage that you are being paid every time that someone clicks, this is not always the case with Skimlinks. Since you are in complete control of which links show on your website you can talk up the product within your content before the reader clicks ensuring a better chance of a sale and commission for yourself. Skimlinks is great to use in conjuction with another ad network and should be considered as a good paying adsense alternative.

Skimlinks vs Vigilink

Skimlinks is better than Vigilink due to the fact that with Skimlinks you are immediately approved to be an affiliate with the Ebay Partner Network and Amazon, with Vigilink there can be a secondary approval step. Skimlinks are able to pass on their arranged commission rates which can be higher than what you would have been offered if you were to sign up directly with the different merchants.

Skimlinks Payout Amount

Skimlinks have a low minimum payment threshold at $10, £7 or 8€ NET60. Which means that it will normally take 60 days for payment once your commission has been cleared by the merchant, these terms can differ depending on the merchant.

Signing up with Skimlinks

Signing up with Skimlinks is easy, you simply fill in a one page application form with details of your website. Skimlinks review your site and within 3 days you will know whether you have been approved. Each subsequent site that you submit will need to be reviewed by  Skimlinks prior to you being able to earn money from any of the Skimlinks merchants. Installation is as easy as inserting Javascript into your site template or there are installation plugins available if you use Ning, VBulletin or WordPress.
The reporting software with Skimlinks is easy to use, you can filter your results by merchant or by domain, by different date criteria and you can also compare Skimlinks to Skimwords. The only negative to report is that reporting is delayed by one day.

What is Your Experience With Skimlinks?

After signing up, let us know how things went and leave a review. We want to keep the information on here as fresh as possible so we appreciate you contributing your experiences.