How To Remove Disqus Comment System & Retrieve Blogger Comments Box?

It is possible that you might have more families default comments box of blogger blog. After changing blogger comment box to disqus system you are might facing problem with retrieving your blogger comment box Again. Don't worried about it we have a solution for you. This post is all about how to remove disqus comment system and retrieve bloggger comments box? up till now you can synchronize comment blogger to disqus but blogger doesn't provide such a facilities of retrieving comments from disqus to blogger.

How To Remove Disqus Comment System & Retrieve Bloggger Comments Box?

Step 1: Login into your blogger account.
Step 2: Go to Layout tab and find your widget name with Disqus for blog url.
Step 3: Remove that widget. That set your disqus comment is removed from your blog and your are successfully retrieved you blogger comment box.

Note: Some html code are still in your blogger template your can remove it manually by searching word Disqus.Before doing any think make sure that you backup your blogger template. find word disqus by pressing Template > Edit HTML > Proceed button and then tick mark on Expand Widget Templates.