Managment theory and practice (3457)-solved Assignment-old papers-course outline -aiou-spring 2015













Course: Managment theory and practice (3457)

Level: B.S (CS) Semester: Spring, 2015

Total Marks: 100 Pass Marks: 50



assignment No. 1

(Units: 1–3)

Course: Management Theory & Practice (3457) Semester:Spring 2015

Level: BS (CS) Total Marks:100

Pass Marks: 50

Q. 1 Describe the types of managers with suitable examples. (20)

Q. 3 What is meant by decision making? Explain the difference between programmed and un-programmed decisions with examples. (20)

Q. 4 What is rational model of decision making? Discuss it with any twosuitable examples. (20)

                         example # 1

                        example # 2 

assignment No. 2

(Units:4–9) Total Marks: 100

Pass Marks: 50

Q. 4 Define organizational communication and discuss types of organizational communication with suitable examples. (20)


Formal communication

Informal communication

Q. 5 Describe operations management and reinvesting organization with suitable examples. (20)


Unit 1 Introduction

Unit 2 Decision Making DecisionTrees

Unit 3 Planning

    1. Plans and Planning Tools

Unit 4 Organizing

4.1.3 Downsizing

4.1.4 Types of Organizational Structures

4.2 Organizing the activity of Individuals

4.2.1 Responsibility

4.2.2 Authority Types of Authority Accountability

4.2.3 Delegation Steps in the delegation Process Obstacles to the Delegation Process Centralization and Decentralization

4.3 Organizational Change and Development

Unit 5 Leading and Managing Groups

5.1 Defining Leadership

5.2 Trait Approach to Leadership

5.3 Behavioral Approach to Leadership

5.3.1 Leadership Functions

5.3.2 Leadership Styles

5.3.3 The Managerial Grid

5.4 Contingency Approach to Leadership

5.5 Leadership Situations and Decisions

5.6 Personal Characteristics of Employees

5.6.1 Environmental Pressures and Workplace Demands

5.6.2 Deciding when to involve subordinates

5.7 Future of Leadership Theory

5.8 Types of Teams

5.9 Characteristics of Teams

5.10 Making Teams Effective

5.10.1 Guidelines for Committees

5.10.2 Focusing Teams on Performance

5.10.3 Conflict within Teams

Unit 6 Motivating

6.1 Concept and importance of Motivation

6.1.1 Motivation Process

6.1.2 Basic assumptions about Motivation and Motivating

6.1.3 Importance of Motivation

6.2 Theories of Motivation

6.3 Contemporary views of Motivation

6.3.1 Need Theory

6.3.2 Equity Theory

6.3.3 Expectancy Theory

6.3.4 Reinforcement Theory

6.3.5 Goal-setting Theory

6.4 Strategies for Motivating

Unit 7 Communicating and Negotiation

7.1 Importance of Effective Communication

7.2 Interpersonal Communication

7.3 Improving Communication Processes

7.4 Communication in Organizations

7.4.1 Factors Influencing Organizational Communication

7.4.2 Types of Organizational Communication

7.4.3 Lateral and Informal Communication

7.5 Using Communication Skills: Negotiating to Manage Conflicts

7.6 Stability of Negotiations Outcomes

7.7 Relations between Labour and Management

Unit 8 Controlling

8.1 Fundamentals of Controlling

8.1.1 Defining Control

8.1.2 Types of Control

8.2 Power and Control

8.3 Control Tools

8.3.1 Management by Exception

8.3.2 Break-Even Analysis

8.3.3 Ratio Analysis

8.3.4 Budgets

8.3.5 Human Asset Accounting

8.4 Use of Control Tools

8.5 Operations Management

8.5.1 Designing Operations Systems

8.5.2 Operational Planning and Control Decisions

8.6 Information Systems

8.6.1 Management Information Systems

8.6.2 End user computing

Unit 9 Management: Futuristic View

9.1 Essential Skills for Future Managers

9.1.1 Systems Skill in the Future

9.1.2 Functional Skill in the Future

9.1.3 Situational Analysis Skill in the Future

9.2 Training Managers for the Future

9.3 Globalization and Competitiveness

9.4 Changing International Scene

9.5 Role of Multinational Enterprises

9.6 Global Business Practice

9.6.1 How Companies go International?

9.6.2 Globalization across Different Cultures

9.6.3 Managers and Prejudice

9.6.4 Women in the International Workforce

9.7 Inventing and Reinventing Organizations

9.7.1 Meaning and importance of Entrepreneurship

9.7.2 Small Business

      1. Reinventing Organizations

Recommended Books:

Robbins, S. Coulter M. (2010). Management,USA: Prentice Hall.

Griffin, R.W. (2009). Management,New York, USA: Houghton Mifflin & Company.

Hitt, M. A. Black; J. S. & Porter. (2010). Management,UK: McGraw Hill.