How To Add Commentluv To Blogger And Increase Your Blog Traffics

Commentluv is a Wordpress plugin developed by Andy Bailey for the sole purpose of changing the way people comment on your blog.
Commentluv  is a powerful and awesome blog commenting plugin mainly used by blog and website owners to increase the number of comments in their blog.

As already proven; it takes a good number of comments, great blog design, fast hosting service, and good social media presence to build up one’s blog reputation, domain authority and increased blog traffic.

This super-easy tutorial will teach you how you can easily install Commentluv  in Blogger blog. But before we proceed, Let’s take a look at the merits/demerits of using Commentluv  plugin.

How Does Commentluv Works?
When you use Commentluv as your commenting system in your blog, it works by rewarding users (commenters) by allowing them show their latest blog content url in their comment.  Users of Commentluv premium can choose to reward top commenters by giving them a "dofollow" link with this plugin on their comments. Commentluv create a backlink to your own blog when you place a comment on another blog. So it creates a win-win situation for both the blog owner and the commenter. The blog owner will get more traffics and more comments while the commenter gets a linkback to his own blog, So everybody is happy.

The Disadvantages/Upside down of  Using Commentluv:

Indeed, this plugin is awesome, that most blog are now using it in their blog however there are a few disadvantages attached to using Commentluv.
1. It attracts spammers. Because of the fact that Commentluv allow others to have a backlink to their blog, some use bots to drop comments while others visit your blog to drop comments without reading your contents.  While using Commentluv on your blog, you have to be careful and busy to control comments in blog and make sure you remove spammers.

2. It creates lots of external link in your blog, this can affect your blog ranking, when there are lots of broken links in your blog. To Avoid this, you have to be on top of the links in your blog to make sure there are no broken links.

3. Commentluv can slow down your page loading speed due to many links the browser will have to fetch from different hosts.

Does It Worth Using Commentluv in Blog
I Will say Yes. The aim of every blogger is to get more traffic to their blog. When you install Commentluv in your blog, you will definitely see an increase in traffic, more importantly, there will be an increase in comments in your blog. However, you have to be up and doing in moderating the comments, remove spammers from your comments, check every link posted to avoid broken links and reply to some of the comments to create a responsive community.
Commentluv is best suited for those who are into "blogging/internet marketing" niche like Techbadoo. This is because the plugin is meant to reward blog owners and those in these niche are expecting their traffics from blogger owners.

How To Install Commentluv To Blogger (Blogspot):

To add/install Commenluv to Blogger is very easy, We will make use of another app known as Intensedebate to add this plugin to blogger and change the way people comment on your blog.

Step 1
Go to and sign up
Make sure To Tick the option "I want to install IntenseDebate on my blog or website" in the sign up page (see image below).
Finish Sign Up, Next,  go to the email you use, IntenseDebate will send you a link to verify your account, Click on that link in your email to verify and continue.

2. Log in to your "IntenseDebate" account, Click on "Sites" > "Add Blog Site"

3. Now Add the Url of Your Blogger blog which you want to install Commentluv on.


4. Choose Platform (Blogger)
When you are done with adding your blog homepage address, Click on "Next Step" to go to next stage (Choose Platform) Here, Select Blogger from the list.
Click on "Blogger" Image

5. Once you click on "Blogger" it will take you to the next step, which is very important.

Step II

6. Tick the box for "All New Posts (Recommended)"
Then Download the full template of the blog you would want to install the commentluv on.
To do this, log on to your Blogger dashboard in another window, Click on Template > Backup/Restore > Download Full Template.

Now, back on IntenseDebate
7. Click on "Browse" and select the template you downloaded (in .xml format).
8. Click "Upload File and Continue" to Upload the template you have selected.

9. When you click on "Upload File and Continue" you will be redirected to  another page, where you will copy your new template html file


10. Click inside the box above, Press Control + A in your computer to select all, then press Control + C to copy the new template html from IntenseDebate.

11. Go Back to your Blogger dashboard window, Click on "Template" > "Edit HTML". Then click anywhere inside your template html codes and Press Control + A in your computer to select your whole template (it will be all highlighted)

12. Press Control+ V in your highlighted template html codes to replace your former template with the new one you copied from IntenseDebate that contains Commentluv commenting system. 

13. To check if your new template contains Commentluv, click anywhere inside your template and Press Control + F, then type "IntendeDebate" in the tiny search box that will appear and hit enter. If you see IntenseDebate code inside your codes, Congratulations if not, you have to repeat the process.

14. Finally go back to intenseDebate and activate the plugin, in the page that you copied the new template codes click on "Go and Configure this IntenseDebate account"

15. In your IntenseDebate dashboard and check for plugin, Click "Plugins" then select "Commentluv" and Click "Activate" to activate the commentluv comment plugin.

  Commentluv will now be live on your blogger (blogspot) blog. View or Reload your blog to see your new commenting system.

Congratulations for activating Commentluv, make sure to continue advertising your blog, after a week or so you will notice increase in comments and traffics to your blog if you keep on posting awesome and unique articles.

Are you using Commentluv already in your blog? Did this trick help you to get commentluv? Please share this post and also tells us your mind in the comment section below

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