Confederacy of Steam Vs Zombies Now Available for Purchase!

Earlier this year Marion Margaret Press send out a call for submissions for their new Confederacy of Steam Vs Zombies anthology in the fall. I recalled that I had a Steampunk story in my folder that hadn't found a home yet. Since the guidelines said there had to be zombies, I decided to rewrite my story to fit the theme.

My short story is entitled, "Zombies Against the Confederacy of Steam" and is set in Victorian times with strong female characters. I decided to tell my story from the view of the zombies. I won't say any more than that, so as not to spoil the reading for my fans.

You can buy a digital copy for a mere $2.99 here on Smashwords. Next month the printed version should be available for purchase and I'll post further details on that date.

There will also be second Steampunk Air Ship anthology next year, and I do plan on sending a submission in. I don't have anything ready at the moment, so I'll need to write up something fantastic.

If you're tired of reading Cherie Priest or Gail Carrigar, please give this anthology a go, and thank you in advance for your support.